Florida Statutes
Chapter 552 - Manufacture, Distribution, and Use of Explosives
552.081 - Definitions.

(1) “Explosive materials” means explosives, blasting agents, or detonators.
(2) “Explosives” means any chemical compound, mixture, or device, the primary purpose of which is to function by explosion. The term “explosives” includes, but is not limited to, dynamite, nitroglycerin, trinitrotoluene, other high explosives, black powder, pellet powder, initiating explosives, detonators, safety fuses, squibs, detonating cord, igniter cord, and igniters. “Explosives” does not include cartridges for firearms and does not include fireworks as defined in chapter 791.
(3) “Blasting agent” means any material or mixture, consisting of fuel and oxidizer, intended for blasting and not otherwise defined as an explosive, provided the finished product, ready for use or shipment, cannot be detonated by means of a number 8 test blasting cap when unconfined.
(4) “Detonator” means any device containing a detonating charge that is used for initiating detonation of an explosive and includes, but is not limited to, blasting caps and electric blasting caps of instantaneous and delay types.
(5) “Person” means any natural person, partnership, association, or corporation.
(6) “Manufacturer-distributor” means a person engaged in the manufacture, compounding, combining, production, or distribution of explosives.
(7) “Dealer” means a person engaged in the wholesale or retail business of buying and selling explosives.
(8) “User” means a dealer or manufacturer-distributor who uses an explosive as an ultimate consumer or a person who, as an ultimate consumer of an explosive, purchases such explosive from a dealer or manufacturer-distributor.
(9) “Blaster” means a person employed by a user who detonates or otherwise effects the explosion of an explosive.
(10) “Sale” and its various forms includes delivery of an explosive with or without consideration.
(11) “Highway” means any public highway in this state, including public streets, alleys, and other thoroughfares, by whatever name, in any municipality.
(12) “Manufacturer’s mark” means the mark placed on each carton of and each individual piece of explosive by the manufacturer to identify the manufacturer and the location, date, and shift of manufacture.
(13) “Two-component explosives” means any two inert components that, when mixed, become capable of detonation by a detonator, and shall be classified as a Class “A” explosive when so mixed.
(14) “Division” means the Division of State Fire Marshal of the Department of Financial Services.
(15) “Purchase” and its various forms means acquisition of any explosive by a person with or without consideration.
History.—s. 1, ch. 29944, 1955; ss. 1, 2, ch. 59-83; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 205, ch. 71-377; s. 2, ch. 77-84; s. 658, ch. 2003-261; s. 14, ch. 2021-113.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXIII - Regulation of Trade, Commerce, Investments, and Solicitations

Chapter 552 - Manufacture, Distribution, and Use of Explosives

552.081 - Definitions.

552.091 - License or Permit Required of Manufacturer-Distributor, Dealer, User, or Blaster of Explosives.

552.092 - Forms for Applications for Licenses and Permits.

552.093 - Competency Examinations Required.

552.094 - Issuance of Licenses, Permits; Prohibitions.

552.101 - Possession Without License Prohibited; Exceptions.

552.111 - Maintenance of Records and Sales of Explosives by Manufacturer-Distributors and Dealers; Inspections.

552.112 - Maintenance of Records by Users; Inspection.

552.113 - Reports of Thefts, Illegal Use, or Illegal Possession.

552.114 - Sale, Labeling, and Disposition of Explosives; Unlawful Possession.

552.12 - Transportation of Explosives Without License Prohibited; Exceptions.

552.13 - Promulgation of Regulations by the Division of State Fire Marshal.

552.151 - Procedure for Cease and Desist Orders; Administrative Fine.

552.161 - Administrative Fines.

552.171 - Suspension or Revocation of License or Permit.

552.181 - Conduct of Hearings.

552.20 - Review of Order of the Division.

552.21 - Confiscation and Disposal of Explosives.

552.211 - Explosives; General.

552.212 - Inspection of Buildings, Vehicles, Vessels, Aircraft, Equipment, or Premises.

552.22 - Penalties.

552.23 - Injunction.

552.24 - Exceptions.

552.241 - Limited Exemptions.

552.25 - Municipal and County Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations.

552.26 - Administration of Chapter; Personnel; Fees to Be Deposited in Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund.

552.27 - Construction of Chapter.

552.30 - Construction Materials Mining Activities.

552.32 - Short Title.

552.34 - Legislative Findings; Public Purpose.

552.36 - Exclusive Jurisdiction; Division of Administrative Hearings.

552.38 - Security Requirement.

552.40 - Administrative Remedy for Alleged Damage Due to the Use of Explosives in Connection With Construction Materials Mining Activities.

552.42 - Appeal.

552.44 - Prior Claims.