Florida Statutes
Chapter 459 - Osteopathic Medicine
459.0151 - Emergency Procedures for Disciplinary Action.

History.—s. 28, ch. 2003-416.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XXXII - Regulation of Professions and Occupations

Chapter 459 - Osteopathic Medicine

459.001 - Purpose.

459.002 - Chapter Not Applicable to Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Chiropractic Medicine, Etc.

459.003 - Definitions.

459.004 - Board of Osteopathic Medicine.

459.005 - Rulemaking Authority.

459.0055 - General Licensure Requirements.

459.0066 - Expert Witness Certificate.

459.0075 - Limited Licenses.

459.0076 - Temporary Certificate for Practice in Areas of Critical Need.

459.00761 - Temporary Certificate for Active Duty Military and Veterans Practicing in Areas of Critical Need.

459.0077 - Osteopathic Faculty Certificate.

459.008 - Renewal of Licenses and Certificates.

459.0081 - Physician Survey.

459.0082 - Analysis of Survey Results; Report.

459.0083 - Confidentiality of Certain Information Contained in Physician Workforce Surveys.

459.0085 - Financial Responsibility.

459.009 - Inactive Status.

459.0092 - Fees.

459.011 - Privileges, Obligations, and Status of Osteopathic Physicians.

459.012 - Itemized Patient Statement.

459.0122 - Patient Records; Termination of Osteopathic Physician’s Practice.

459.0125 - Breast Cancer; Information on Treatment Alternatives.

459.013 - Penalty for Violations.

459.0135 - Drugs to Treat Obesity; Rules Establishing Guidelines.

459.0137 - Pain-Management Clinics.

459.0138 - Office Surgeries.

459.0141 - Sexual Misconduct in the Practice of Osteopathic Medicine.

459.0145 - Concerted Effort to Refuse Emergency Room Treatment to Patients; Penalties.

459.015 - Grounds for Disciplinary Action; Action by the Board and Department.

459.0151 - Emergency Procedures for Disciplinary Action.

459.0152 - Specialties.

459.016 - Reports of Disciplinary Actions by Medical Organizations.

459.017 - Osteopathic Physician’s Consent; Handwriting Samples; Mental or Physical Examinations.

459.018 - Search Warrants for Certain Violations.

459.019 - Subpoena of Certain Records.

459.021 - Registration of Resident Physicians, Interns, and Fellows; List of Hospital Employees; Penalty.

459.022 - Physician Assistants.

459.023 - Anesthesiologist Assistants.

459.025 - Formal Supervisory Relationships, Standing Orders, and Established Protocols; Notice; Standards.

459.026 - Reports of Adverse Incidents in Office Practice Settings.