History.—s. 4, ch. 6454, 1913; RGS 1158; CGL 1528; ss. 25, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 32, ch. 79-5; s. 133, ch. 94-356.
Structure Florida Statutes
Chapter 298 - Drainage and Water Control
298.001 - Districts Designated as “Water Control” Districts.
298.01 - Formation of Water Control District.
298.12 - Annual Election of Supervisors; Term of Office; Vacancy.
298.13 - Supervisor’s Oath of Office.
298.14 - Organization of Board; Annual Reports to Landowners; Compensation of Members of Board.
298.15 - Record of Proceedings.
298.16 - Appointment of District Engineer; Engineer’s Duties.
298.18 - Supervisors to Employ Attorney for District; Duty of Attorney.
298.19 - Appointment and Duties of Superintendent of Plant and Operations and Overseers.
298.20 - Supervisors to Fix Compensation for Work and Employees.
298.21 - Supervisors May Remove Officers and Employees.
298.22 - Powers of Supervisors.
298.225 - Water Control Plan; Plan Development and Amendment.
298.23 - Supervisors Authorized to Take Land for Rights-of-Way, etc.; Payment.
298.25 - Type of Bridges Over Drains in Large Counties.
298.305 - Assessing Land for Development; Apportionment of Assessment.
298.333 - Assessments and Costs; a Lien on Land Against Which Levied.
298.341 - When Unpaid Assessments Delinquent; Penalty.
298.345 - Enforcement of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments.
298.349 - Uniform Initial Acreage Assessment for Payment of Expenses.
298.36 - Lands Belonging to State Assessed; Drainage Tax Record.
298.365 - Collection of Annual Installment Tax; Lien.
298.366 - Delinquent Taxes; Penalties.
298.401 - Property Appraisers and Tax Collectors; Compensation; Characterization of Services.
298.41 - Taxes and Costs a Lien on Land Against Which Taxes Levied; Subdistricts.
298.465 - District Taxes; Delinquent; Discounts.
298.47 - Supervisors May Issue Bonds.
298.48 - Sale of Bonds and Disposition of Proceeds.
298.49 - Interest Upon Matured Bonds.
298.50 - Levy of Tax to Pay Bonds, Sinking Fund.
298.51 - Defaults, Receivership for District.
298.52 - Refunding and Extending Bonds.
298.59 - Supervisors Authorized to Obtain Consent of United States.
298.60 - Unpaid Warrants Issued by District to Draw Interest.
298.62 - Lands May Be Acquired for Rights-of-Way and Other Purposes.
298.63 - Bonds to Secure Loans From Secretary of Interior.
298.66 - Obstruction of Public Drainage Canals, etc., Prohibited; Damages; Penalties.
298.70 - Department of Environmental Protection Authorized to Borrow Money.
298.71 - Department May Issue Notes; Suit by Holder; Judgment.
298.72 - Department May Use Proceeds of Drainage Tax to Pay Loans.
298.73 - Matured Written Obligations Receivable in Payment of Taxes.
298.76 - Special or Local Legislation; Effect.
298.77 - Readjustment of Assessments; Procedure, Notice, Hearings.