History.—s. 14, ch. 2000-237.
Structure Florida Statutes
Chapter 29 - Court System Funding
29.001 - State Courts System Elements and Definitions.
29.005 - State Attorneys’ Offices and Prosecution Expenses.
29.006 - Indigent Defense Costs.
29.007 - Court-Appointed Counsel.
29.008 - County Funding of Court-Related Functions.
29.0081 - County Funding of Additional Court Personnel.
29.0085 - Annual Statement of Certain Revenues and Expenditures.
29.012 - Construction.
29.016 - Contingency Fund; Judicial Branch.
29.017 - Pending Proceedings; Applicability of Ch. 2003-402.
29.018 - Cost Sharing of Due-Process Services; Legislative Intent.
29.0185 - Provision of State-Funded Due Process Services to Individuals.
29.019 - Billings Rendered for Pre-July 1, 2004, Services.
29.0195 - Recovery of Expenditures for State-Funded Services.
29.21 - Department of Management Services to Provide Assistance in Procuring Services.
29.22 - State Courts Revenue Trust Fund.
29.23 - Salaries of Certain Positions in the Judicial Branch.