History.—ss. 1, 2, 3, ch. 7819, 1919; s. 1, ch. 9325, 1923; CGL 8117, 8118.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XVIII - Public Lands and Property
256.01 - Flag of United States to Be Displayed.
256.011 - Display of Flag on Election Day.
256.015 - Display of State Flag; Protocol.
256.02 - Certain Officers to Provide Flag.
256.031 - Department of State Custodian of State Flag.
256.032 - Display of State Flag at Public Schools.
256.041 - Purchase of United States Flag or State Flag for Public Use.
256.05 - Improper Use of State or United States Flag, or Other Symbol of Authority.
256.051 - Improper Use or Mutilation of State or Confederate Flag or Emblem Prohibited.
256.06 - Mutilation or Disrespect of State or United States Flag.
256.10 - Mutilation of or Disrespect for Confederate Flags or Replicas.
256.11 - Public Auditoriums; Display of the United States Flag.
256.12 - Display of Pow-Mia Flags.
256.13 - Pow-Mia Flag; Display at Rest Areas.
256.14 - Pow-Mia Flag; Display at State Parks.