Florida Statutes
Chapter 25 - Supreme Court
25.375 - Identification of Related Cases.

History.—s. 1, ch. 2005-239.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title V - Judicial Branch

Chapter 25 - Supreme Court

25.025 - Headquarters.

25.031 - Supreme Court Authorized to Receive and Answer Certificates as to State Law From Federal Appellate Courts.

25.032 - Certification of Questions of Law; Rules and Regulations.

25.041 - Power to Execute Its Judgments, Decrees, and Determinations.

25.073 - Retired Justices or Judges Assigned to Temporary Duty; Additional Compensation; Appropriation.

25.075 - Uniform Case Reporting System.

25.077 - Negligence Case Settlements and Jury Verdicts; Case Reporting.

25.181 - Record of Territorial Court of Appeals.

25.201 - Deputy Clerk of Supreme Court.

25.211 - Location of Clerk’s Office.

25.221 - Maintenance of Books, Records, and Other Materials.

25.241 - Clerk of Supreme Court; Assistants; Duties Relating to Filing Fees and Court Documents.

25.251 - Marshal of Supreme Court; Appointment; Qualification; Authority.

25.262 - Duties of Marshal, Process.

25.271 - Custody of Supreme Court Building and Grounds.

25.291 - Fines for Contempt.

25.301 - Decisions to Be Filed; Copies to Be Furnished.

25.341 - Library of Supreme Court, Custodian.

25.375 - Identification of Related Cases.

25.382 - State Courts System.

25.383 - Standards for Court Reporters; Procedures; Rules of Professional Conduct, Discipline, and Training.

25.384 - Court Education Trust Fund.

25.3842 - Federal Grants Trust Fund.

25.3844 - Administrative Trust Fund.

25.385 - Standards for Instruction of Circuit and County Court Judges in Handling Domestic Violence and Dependency Cases.

25.386 - Foreign Language Court Interpreters.