Florida Statutes
Part III - Community Redevelopment (Ss. 163.330-163.463)
163.371 - Reporting requirements.

(1) By January 1, 2020, each community redevelopment agency shall publish on its website digital maps that depict the geographic boundaries and total acreage of the community redevelopment agency. If any change is made to the boundaries or total acreage, the agency shall post updated map files on its website within 60 days after the date such change takes effect.
(2) Beginning March 31, 2020, and not later than March 31 of each year thereafter, a community redevelopment agency shall file an annual report with the county or municipality that created the agency and publish the report on the agency’s website. The report must include the following information:
(a) The most recent complete audit report of the redevelopment trust fund as required in s. 163.387(8). If the audit report for the previous year is not available by March 31, a community redevelopment agency shall publish the audit report on its website within 45 days after completion.
(b) The performance data for each plan authorized, administered, or overseen by the community redevelopment agency as of December 31 of the reporting year, including the:
1. Total number of projects started and completed and the estimated cost for each project.
2. Total expenditures from the redevelopment trust fund.
3. Original assessed real property values within the community redevelopment agency’s area of authority as of the day the agency was created.
4. Total assessed real property values of property within the boundaries of the community redevelopment agency as of January 1 of the reporting year.
5. Total amount expended for affordable housing for low-income and middle-income residents.

(c) A summary indicating to what extent, if any, the community redevelopment agency has achieved the goals set out in its community redevelopment plan.

History.—s. 5, ch. 2019-163.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations

Chapter 163 - Intergovernmental Programs

Part III - Community Redevelopment (Ss. 163.330-163.463)

163.330 - Short title.

163.335 - Findings and declarations of necessity.

163.340 - Definitions.

163.345 - Encouragement of private enterprise.

163.346 - Notice to taxing authorities.

163.350 - Workable program.

163.353 - Power of taxing authority to tax or appropriate funds to a redevelopment trust fund in order to preserve and enhance the tax base of the authority.

163.355 - Finding of necessity by county or municipality.

163.356 - Creation of community redevelopment agency.

163.357 - Governing body as the community redevelopment agency.

163.358 - Exercise of powers in carrying out community redevelopment and related activities.

163.360 - Community redevelopment plans.

163.361 - Modification of community redevelopment plans.

163.362 - Contents of community redevelopment plan.

163.365 - Neighborhood and communitywide plans.

163.367 - Public officials, commissioners, and employees subject to code of ethics.

163.370 - Powers; counties and municipalities; community redevelopment agencies.

163.371 - Reporting requirements.

163.3755 - Termination of community redevelopment agencies.

163.3756 - Inactive community redevelopment agencies.

163.380 - Disposal of property in community redevelopment area.

163.385 - Issuance of revenue bonds.

163.387 - Redevelopment trust fund.

163.390 - Bonds as legal investments.

163.395 - Property exempt from taxes and from levy and sale by virtue of an execution.

163.400 - Cooperation by public bodies.

163.405 - Title of purchaser.

163.410 - Exercise of powers in counties with home rule charters.

163.415 - Exercise of powers in counties without home rule charters.

163.430 - Powers supplemental to existing community redevelopment powers.

163.445 - Assistance to community redevelopment by state agencies.

163.450 - Municipal and county participation in neighborhood development programs under Pub. L. No. 90-448.

163.463 - Applicability of ch. 2002-294.