History.—s. 9, ch. 5378, 1905; RGS 1760; CGL 2811; s. 1, ch. 77-102; s. 9, ch. 90-279.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations
Chapter 157 - Drainage by Counties
157.01 - Public Ditch, Drain or Canal.
157.02 - Action on Petition by County Commissioners.
157.04 - Bond Required Before Letting Contract.
157.07 - Where Cost of Construction Exceeds Estimated Cost Commissioners to Assess Difference.
157.08 - Assessments; Validation.
157.09 - Compensation of Committee.
157.10 - Application to Lateral Ditches.
157.13 - Use of Surplus of Bond Proceeds.
157.15 - County Commissioners May Issue Bonds to Pay Scrip; Decrease of Assessment.
157.16 - Enlarging Drains and Assessing Cost.
157.17 - Assessment to Maintain Drains.
157.18 - Awarding Contract for Enlarging or Repairing Drains.
157.19 - Where Actual Cost Exceeds Estimated Cost; Additional Work; Assessment for Same.
157.25 - Compensation of Committee; Irregular Assessment Corrected.
157.26 - Repair and Maintenance of Drains Under Supervision of County Commissioners.
157.27 - Proceedings for Making Repair to Drains, Etc.
157.28 - Awarding Contracts for Repair; Approval.
157.30 - Reassessment of Lands Where Attempt to Establish Ditch or Canal Irregular.
157.31 - Notice of Reassessment for Drainage.
157.32 - Reviewing Complaints and Making Assessment Against Property Benefited.
157.33 - Issuance of Scrip to Take Up Former Scrip or Bonds.
157.34 - Reassessments to Have Effect as Original Assessment.