History.—s. 5, ch. 6932, 1915; RGS 1562; s. 2, ch. 8527, 1921; CGL 2407; s. 3, ch. 59-23; s. 6, ch. 81-285.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title XI - County Organization and Intergovernmental Relations
Chapter 136 - County Depositories
136.03 - County Funds to Be Paid Into Depositories; Triplicate Receipts to Be Issued.
136.04 - Depositories to Keep Demand and Time Deposits Separate; How Interest on Deposits Credited.
136.05 - County Board to Keep Set of Books; Overdrawing Prohibited.
136.06 - Withdrawal of Funds From Depositories; Direct Deposit; Transfer of Funds.
136.08 - Accounts Subject to Examination by Authorized Persons.