History.—s. 17, ch. 73-128; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 56, ch. 77-175; s. 32, ch. 81-304; s. 47, ch. 2007-30; s. 30, ch. 2010-167; ss. 22, 30, ch. 2011-6; s. 68, ch. 2011-40; HJR 7105, 2011 Regular Session; s. 22, ch. 2013-37.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title IX - Electors and Elections
Chapter 106 - Campaign Financing
106.021 - Campaign Treasurers; Deputies; Primary and Secondary Depositories.
106.022 - Appointment of a Registered Agent; Duties.
106.023 - Statement of Candidate.
106.025 - Campaign Fund Raisers.
106.03 - Registration of Political Committees and Electioneering Communications Organizations.
106.05 - Deposit of Contributions; Statement of Campaign Treasurer.
106.055 - Valuation of In-Kind Contributions.
106.06 - Treasurer to Keep Records; Inspections.
106.07 - Reports; Certification and Filing.
106.0702 - Reporting; Political Party Executive Committee Candidates.
106.0705 - Electronic Filing of Campaign Treasurer’s Reports.
106.0706 - Electronic Filing of Campaign Finance Reports; Public Records Exemption.
106.071 - Independent Expenditures; Electioneering Communications; Reports; Disclaimers.
106.072 - Social Media Deplatforming of Political Candidates.
106.08 - Contributions; Limitations On.
106.09 - Cash Contributions and Contribution by Cashier’s Checks.
106.11 - Expenses of and Expenditures by Candidates and Political Committees.
106.113 - Expenditures by Local Governments.
106.12 - Petty Cash Funds Allowed.
106.125 - Credit Cards; Conditions on Use.
106.14 - Utilities; Deposits; Prior Authorization.
106.1405 - Use of Campaign Funds.
106.141 - Disposition of Surplus Funds by Candidates.
106.143 - Political Advertisements Circulated Prior to Election; Requirements.
106.1435 - Usage and Removal of Political Campaign Advertisements.
106.1437 - Miscellaneous Advertisements.
106.1439 - Electioneering Communications; Disclaimers.
106.1475 - Text Message and Telephone Solicitation; Registered Agent Requirements; Penalty.
106.15 - Certain Acts Prohibited.
106.16 - Limitation on Certain Rates and Charges.
106.161 - Air Time Available at the Lowest Unit Rate.
106.165 - Use of Closed Captioning and Descriptive Narrative in All Television Broadcasts.
106.17 - Polls and Surveys Relating to Candidacies.
106.18 - When a Candidate’s Name to Be Omitted From Ballot.
106.19 - Violations by Candidates, Persons Connected With Campaigns, and Political Committees.
106.191 - Signatures Gathered for Initiative Petition; Effect of Ch. 97-13.
106.21 - Certificates of Election Not to Be Issued Upon Conviction.
106.22 - Duties of the Division of Elections.
106.23 - Powers of the Division of Elections.
106.24 - Florida Elections Commission; Membership; Powers; Duties.
106.25 - Reports of Alleged Violations to Florida Elections Commission; Disposition of Findings.
106.26 - Powers of Commission; Rights and Responsibilities of Parties; Findings by Commission.
106.27 - Determinations by Commission; Legal Disposition.
106.28 - Limitation of Actions.
106.32 - Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund.
106.33 - Election Campaign Financing; Eligibility.
106.35 - Distribution of Funds.