District of Columbia Code
Subchapter II - Water Pollution Control
§ 8–103.20. Rules

The Mayor shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this subchapter pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2.
(Mar. 16, 1985, D.C. Law 5-188, § 21, 32 DCR 919.)
1981 Ed., § 6-940.
This section is referenced in § 2-1226.40b.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 8 - Environmental and Animal Control and Protection

Chapter 1 - Environmental Controls

Subchapter II - Water Pollution Control

§ 8–103.01. Definitions

§ 8–103.02. Discharge of pollutants prohibited; exception

§ 8–103.03. Protection of aquatic life

§ 8–103.03a. Fishing License Fund

§ 8–103.04. Classification of beneficial uses of waters

§ 8–103.05. Monitoring for compliance with subchapter

§ 8–103.06. Certain discharges permitted; terms of permit; additional enforcement procedures; effect of federal permit; public hearing on permit; special requirements for treatment facilities; permits for industrial discharges; certain discharges fro...

§ 8–103.07. Location of discharge; recognition of reduction of pollutants; restrictions on quantity of materials discharged; discharge of used motor oil to sewer prohibited

§ 8–103.08. Discharge of pollutant from vessel or onshore or offshore facility; removal of these pollutants; contingency plan for environmental emergencies

§ 8–103.09. Accounting for revenues and expenses of pollutant removal; available funds for future years; District of Columbia Wetland and Stream Mitigation Trust Fund

§ 8–103.09a. District of Columbia Wells Maintenance Fund; establishment; financing. [Repealed]

§ 8–103.09b. Stormwater In-Lieu Fee Payment Fund

§ 8–103.09c. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Fund

§ 8–103.09d. Stormwater Fees Fund

§ 8–103.10. Spill prevention and cleanup plan for onshore or offshore facility; discharge from underground facility; testing of underground tanks for leaks

§ 8–103.11. Water quality management plan

§ 8–103.12. Mayor authorized to issue research grants

§ 8–103.13. Mayor authorized to regulate construction

§ 8–103.13a. Well construction, maintenance, and abandonment

§ 8–103.13b. Fees, reimbursements, and costs

§ 8–103.14. Use of sludge from treatment facilities

§ 8–103.15. Subpoena and inspection powers of Mayor

§ 8–103.16. Penalties

§ 8–103.17. Enforcement of subchapter

§ 8–103.18. Civil actions

§ 8–103.19. Private rights of action permitted; prior notice to Mayor; regulations and investigations concerning reported violations

§ 8–103.20. Rules