(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, this chapter shall apply to every:
(1) Person performing the duties of emergency services personnel, compensated or uncompensated, within the District of Columbia;
(2) Entity providing emergency medical services within the District of Columbia, public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, including owners or operators of emergency medical services agencies and owners or operators of emergency medical response vehicles; and
(3) Person and entity providing emergency medical services training and instruction, public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, within the District of Columbia.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
(1) The unexpected rendering of immediate care by a private citizen, or the unexpected use of a privately owned vehicle which is not ordinarily used in the business of transporting persons who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless, in the performance of a lifesaving act;
(2) Agencies, vehicles, or training facilities owned or operated by the United States government and operating on federal property;
(3) Agencies operating within the District of Columbia pursuant to mutual aid agreements;
(4) Validly licensed or certified emergency medical response vehicles based outside the District which do not otherwise constitute public vehicles for hire; and
(5) Validly licensed vehicles operated solely for the transportation of non-emergency patients to and from treatment facilities as outpatients; provided, that this exemption shall not apply to any vehicle which is in any way held out as an emergency medical response vehicle.
(c) The Mayor shall establish rules to ensure that emergency medical response vehicles and emergency medical services personnel based outside of the District, but receiving patients within the District for transport to a location within the District, shall meet the substantive standards of this chapter and of rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter.
(Mar. 25, 2009, D.C. Law 17-357, § 3, 56 DCR 1167.)
For temporary (90 days) For temporary (90 days) creation of § 7-2341.02a, see § 3 of D.C. Act 24-245, see § 3 of Preserve Our Healthcare Workforce Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Act 24-245, Dec. 24, 2021, 68 DCR 013514).
For temporary (90 days) For temporary (90 days) creation of § 7-2341.02a, see § 3 of D.C. Act 24-189, see § 3 of Preserve Our Healthcare Workforce Emergency Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Act 24-189, Sept. 22, 2021, 68 DCR 011343).
For temporary (225 days) For temporary (225 days) creation of § 7-2341.02a, see § 3 of D.C. Law 24-59, see § 3 of Preserve Our Healthcare Workforce Temporary Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Law 24-59, Feb. 18, 2022, 68 DCR 013496).
Structure District of Columbia Code
Title 7 - Human Health Care and Safety
Chapter 23B - Emergency Medical Services
§ 7–2341.02. Applicability and exemptions
§ 7–2341.03. Emergency medical services agencies: license required
§ 7–2341.04. Emergency medical response vehicles: license or certification required
§ 7–2341.05. Emergency medical services personnel: certification required
§ 7–2341.06. Flight emergency medical services personnel: certification required
§ 7–2341.07. Emergency medical services training facilities: certification required
§ 7–2341.08. Emergency medical services instructors: certification required
§ 7–2341.09. Liability insurance required for vehicles, facilities, and agencies
§ 7–2341.10. Provisional and restricted licenses and certifications
§ 7–2341.11. Licenses and certifications issued pursuant to prior authority
§ 7–2341.12. Reciprocity for emergency medical services personnel certified in other jurisdictions
§ 7–2341.13. Powers and duties of the Mayor
§ 7–2341.14. License and certification renewal
§ 7–2341.15. Denial, suspension, and revocation of license or certification
§ 7–2341.16. Summary suspension
§ 7–2341.19. Trauma care system
§ 7–2341.21. Emergency medical services for children
§ 7–2341.22. Establishment of District of Columbia Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee
§ 7–2341.24. Criminal and civil penalties
§ 7–2341.27. Repeal of existing regulations
§ 7–2341.28. Pending actions and proceedings; existing orders