District of Columbia Code
Subchapter I - Improvement of Housing Conditions
§ 6–101.06. Publication of notice to owners of alley dwellings

There shall be published 3 times each year during the month of January in a newspaper of general circulation published in the District of Columbia a notice to owners and tenants of alley dwellings and of other property in squares containing inhabited alleys that alley dwellings in such squares may be demolished, removed, or vacated, and that the squares may be replatted on or before July 1, 1955.
(June 12, 1934, 48 Stat. 933, ch. 465, § 6; June 8, 1944, 58 Stat. 271, ch. 238, § 2; July 5, 1945, 59 Stat. 410, ch. 268, § 2; June 26, 1946, 60 Stat. 319, ch. 503, § 2; Aug. 2, 1946, 60 Stat. 801, ch. 736, § 18(b).)
1981 Ed., § 5-107.
1973 Ed., § 5-108.