District of Columbia Code
Subchapter V - Bulk Sales
§ 47–4461. Notice of bulk sale

The purchaser, transferee, or assignee (“purchaser”) of all or a part of the inventory, furnishings, equipment, materials, or supplies (“property”) of a business, pursuant to a sale, transfer, or assignment in bulk other than in the ordinary course of trade or business (“sale”), shall, at least 15 days before taking possession of or paying for the property, notify the Mayor by registered or certified mail. The notice shall identify the price, terms, and conditions of the sale, including a description of the property being sold, its location, and the identity of the seller, transferor, or assignor (“seller”). The notice is required whether or not the seller has represented to, or informed, the purchaser that it owes tax under this title, whether it has complied with § 28:6-104, or whether taxes are in fact owing.
(June 9, 2001, D.C. Law 13-305, § 405(b), 48 DCR 334; Apr. 4, 2003, D.C. Law 14-282, § 11(hhh), 50 DCR 896.)
This section is referenced in § 28:6-112, § 47-4423, § 47-4462, and § 47-4463.
D.C. Law 14-282 substituted “furnishings” for “fixtures”.
For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 12(ppp) of Tax Clarity and Recorder of Deeds Emergency Act of 2002 (D.C. Act 14-381, June 6, 2002, 49 DCR 5674).
For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 12(qqq) of Tax Clarity and Related Amendments Emergency Act of 2002 (D.C. Act 14-456, July 23, 2002, 49 DCR 8107).
For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 12(qqq) of Tax Clarity and Related Amendments Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2002 (D.C. Act 14-510, October 23, 2002, 49 DCR 10247).
For temporary (225 day) amendment of section, see 12(qqq) of Tax Clarity and Recorder of Deeds Temporary Act of 2002 (D.C. Law 14-191, October 5, 2002, law notification 49 DCR 9549).
For temporary (225 day) amendment of section, see 12(qqq) of Tax Clarity and Related Amendments Temporary Act of 2003 (D.C. Law 14-228, March 23, 2003, law notification 50 DCR 2741).