District of Columbia Code
Chapter 13 - Real Property Tax Sales
§ 47–1315. Liens for taxes or assessments — Confirmation of sale; amount payable; disposition of surplus; delivery of deed

Every such sale shall be reported to and confirmed by said equity Court, and no sale shall be made for an amount less than such aggregate taxes, interest, and costs incurred in the institution of suit, including advertising and sale, unless by express order of the Court. Any surplus remaining from sales made under §§ 47-1312 to 47-1315 shall be paid by the Collector of Taxes into the registry of the Court, to abide its further order for payment to the person or persons entitled thereto; and any such moneys remaining unclaimed for a period of 5 years after confirmation of any such sale shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States and credited to the revenues of the District of Columbia. Upon confirmation of such sale by order of Court and payment of the purchase price, and upon full compliance with all of the terms of sale, the Clerk of the Court shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a deed to the property so sold, which deed shall convey to said purchaser all of the right, title, and estate of all persons whether named in such suit or not.
(Mar. 2, 1936, 49 Stat. 1155, ch. 111, § 4; enacted, Apr. 9, 1997, D.C. Law 11-254, § 2, 44 DCR 1575.)
1981 Ed., § 47-1315.
1973 Ed., § 47-1014.
This section is referenced in § 47-1303.04.
Office of Collector of Taxes abolished: See Historical and Statutory Notes following § 47-401.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 47 - Taxation, Licensing, Permits, Assessments, and Fees. [Enacted title]

Chapter 13 - Real Property Tax Sales

§ 47–1301. Delinquent taxes — List; notice of sale; public auction

§ 47–1302. Delinquent taxes — Notice to record owner; contents

§ 47–1303. Delinquent taxes — Sale of property

§ 47–1303.01. Definitions for §§ 47-1303.02 and 47-1303.03

§ 47–1303.02. Private sale of unimproved residential real property bid off in the name of the District

§ 47–1303.03. Tax deed

§ 47–1303.04. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers

§ 47–1304. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Deposit required; certificate of sale; tax deed; redemption

§ 47–1305. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Applicability of changed interest rates. [Repealed]

§ 47–1306. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Right of redemption

§ 47–1307. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Report to be filed with Recorder of Deeds; disposition of surplus; redemption

§ 47–1308. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Invalid sales

§ 47–1309. Real property tax assignment; sale and transfers — Advertising expenses

§ 47–1310. Duties of Assessor — Furnishment of information

§ 47–1311. Duties of Assessor — Preparation of list of sold property

§ 47–1312. Liens for taxes or assessments — Petition to enforce; redemption

§ 47–1313. Liens for taxes or assessments — Notice to record owner; proper parties defendant; court order; validity of judicial service and sale

§ 47–1314. Liens for taxes or assessments — Sale of property

§ 47–1315. Liens for taxes or assessments — Confirmation of sale; amount payable; disposition of surplus; delivery of deed

§ 47–1316. Errors in computation not to affect sales

§ 47–1317. Refunds — Taxes erroneously paid

§ 47–1318. Refunds — Money deposited for license

§ 47–1319. Disposition of redemption moneys

§ 47–1320. Delinquent taxpayers — bidding at tax sales prohibited

§ 47–1321. Regulations