An estate for the life of a third person, whether limited to heirs or otherwise, shall be deemed a freehold only during the life of the grantee or devisee, but after his death it shall be deemed a chattel real and be a part of his personal estate.
(Mar. 3, 1901, 31 Stat. 1351, ch. 854, § 1015.)
1981 Ed., § 45-205.
1973 Ed., § 45-805.
Structure District of Columbia Code
§ 42–502. Fee simple estates — Estates tail abolished
§ 42–503. Fee simple estates — Absolute or qualified
§ 42–504. Freeholds; chattels real; chattel interests; conditions precedent or subsequent
§ 42–505. Estates pur autre vie; when deemed freehold and when chattel real
§ 42–506. Estates classified; possession; expectancy
§ 42–507. Estate in possession
§ 42–508. Estate in expectancy
§ 42–510. Future estates — Commencement
§ 42–511. Future estates — Remainder and conditional limitation
§ 42–512. Future estates — Vested and contingent
§ 42–513. Future estates — Alternative
§ 42–514. Expectant estates — No defeat or bar unless provided for at creation
§ 42–515. Expectant estates — Descendible, devisable, and alienable
§ 42–516. Tenancies in common, tenancies by the entireties, and joint tenancies
§ 42–517. Coparcenary estates abolished
§ 42–519. Estates from year to year
§ 42–520. Estates by sufferance
§ 42–521. Estates from month to month or from quarter to quarter