(a) Every franchise agreement shall specify the construction schedule that will apply to any required construction, upgrade, or rebuild of the cable system. The schedule of construction, upgrade, or rebuild shall ensure that no substantial differences in the time by which service shall be available in a neighborhood shall be because of the neighborhood’s relative median income, ethnicity, or racial composition.
(b) Within 90 days or at a time specified in the franchise agreement, whichever is longer, after the approval of a franchise, a cable operator shall file the documents required to obtain all necessary federal and District licenses, permits, and authorizations required for the conduct of its business, and shall submit monthly reports to the Office on its progress in this respect until all documents are obtained.
(Aug. 21, 1982, D.C. Law 4-142, § 703; as added Oct. 9, 2002, D.C. Law 14-193, § 2(b), 49 DCR 7334.)
This section is referenced in § 34-1254.05.
Structure District of Columbia Code
Subchapter II - Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment Act of 2015
Part G - Construction and Operation of the Cable System
§ 34–1257.01. Jurisdictional parity
§ 34–1257.02. Operation and construction of system; general requirements
§ 34–1257.03. Construction schedule
§ 34–1257.04. Construction of facility
§ 34–1257.05. Construction notice to the public
§ 34–1257.06. Use of cable system by the District during emergencies and disasters