District of Columbia Code
Chapter 7B - Job Opportunity Bank
§ 32–751. Definitions

For purposes of this chapter, the term:
(1) “Director” means the Director of the Department of Employment Services.
(2) “Grantee” means any person or entity that receives a grant from the District to provide workforce development services.
(3) “Job skills-deficient resident” means an individual resident of the District whose employment opportunities are restricted by deficiencies in education, work experience, work training, work skills, or the loss of certain occupations or industries from the economy of the District or the Washington Metropolitan Area and whose job skills deficiencies and residence is determined and certified by the Director.
(4) “Low-income District resident” means an individual resident of the District whose personal or family income in the previous 6 months on an annualized basis does not exceed 200% of the lower living standard income level and whose income and residence is certified by the Director.
(5) “Workforce Investment Council” means the body created pursuant to § 32-1603.
(June 8, 2006, D.C. Law 16-118, § 202, 53 DCR 2602.)