District of Columbia Code
Chapter 41 - Natural Disaster Consumer Protection
§ 28–4101. Definitions

For the purposes of this chapter, the term:
(1) “Natural disaster” means the actual or imminent consequence of any disaster, catastrophe, or emergency, including fire, other than a fire caused by human error or arson, flood, earthquake, storm, or other serious act of nature, which threatens the health, safety, or welfare of persons or causes damage to property in the District of Columbia.
(2) “Normal average retail price” means:
(A) In the case of services, not more than 10% more than the price at which similar services were sold or offered in the Washington Metropolitan Area during the 90-day period that preceded an emergency that resulted from a natural disaster, if an emergency is declared pursuant to § 28-4102(b); or
(B) In the case of merchandise, the price equal to the wholesale cost plus a retail mark-up that is the same percentage over wholesale cost as the retail mark-up for similar merchandise sold in the Washington Metropolitan Area during the 90-day period that immediately preceded an emergency that resulted from a natural disaster, if an emergency has been declared pursuant to § 28-4102(b).
(3) “Person” means a corporation, firm, agency, company, association, organization, partnership, society, joint stock company, or an individual.
(Mar. 20, 1992, D.C. Law 9-80, § 2, 39 DCR 675; Feb. 5, 1994, D.C. Law 10-68, § 27(g), 40 DCR 6311; May 16, 1995, D.C. Law 10-255, § 23, 41 DCR 5193.)
1981 Ed., § 28-4101.
For temporary (90 days) amendment of this section, see § 306(b) of Coronavirus Support Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Act 24-96, June 7, 2021, 68 DCR 006025).
For temporary (90 days) amendment of this section, see § 306(b) of Coronavirus Support Emergency Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Act 24-30, Mar. 17, 2021, 68 DCR 003101).
For temporary (225 days) amendment of this section, see § 306(b) of Coronavirus Support Temporary Amendment Act of 2021 (D.C. Law 24-9, June 24, 2021, 68 DCR 004824).