District of Columbia Code
Subchapter III - Closure of Oak Hill Youth Center
§ 24–941. Closure of Oak Hill Youth Center; transfer of operations to new facilities

The Mayor shall develop and implement a comprehensive plan resulting in the closure of the existing Oak Hill Youth Center facility no later than 4 years after March 17, 2005, and transfer operations to new facilities, one or more of which shall be located on the same property, consistent with the following criteria for a new rehabilitation and treatment model:
(1) No new facility for committed youth shall house more than 40 committed children within the same building, but a facility may contain more than one building;
(2) Plans for the operation of facilities shall incorporate best practices for the provision of rehabilitative and other services and the safety of children, and shall be consistent with the applicable standards of accreditation of the American Correctional Association;
(3) Individuals appointed by the Mayor shall provide on-site monitoring of the safety of children housed in any secure detention or commitment facility operated by the District of Columbia during all hours of operation; and
(4) Individuals responsible for monitoring the safety of children under paragraph (3) of this subsection shall notify the child’s parent or guardian and the child’s legal representative whenever a child is injured.
(Mar. 17, 2005, D.C. Law 15-261, § 1102, 52 DCR 1188.)