District of Columbia Code
Chapter 11 - Commitment and Maintenance of Persons with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities
§ 21–1108A. Voluntary admission to Forest Haven [Repealed]

(Mar. 3, 1979, D.C. Law 2-137, § 604a1, 25 DCR 5094.)
1981 Ed., §§ 21-1102 to 21-1108A.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 21 - Fiduciary Relations and Persons with Mental Illness. [Enacted title]

Chapter 11 - Commitment and Maintenance of Persons with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities

§ 21–1101. Forest Haven defined. [Repealed]

§ 21–1102. Persons received in Forest Haven; age limit [Repealed]

§ 21–1103. petition as to substantial retardation; contents; verification; notice;process [Repealed]

§ 21–1104. Summons; contents; answer not required; return day; service [Repealed]

§ 21–1105. Appointment and qualifications of physicians; examination; certificate [Repealed]

§ 21–1106. Warrant to take into custody; detention or temporary guardianship; place of detention [Repealed]

§ 21–1107. Hearing; continuances; character of proofs; jury trial [Repealed]

§ 21–1108. Dismissal and discharge, or placement in Forest Haven; controlling considerations [Repealed]

§ 21–1108A. Voluntary admission to Forest Haven [Repealed]

§ 21–1109. Private and public patients; bond for support and maintenance; sufficiency and justification of sureties. [Repealed]

§ 21–1110. Liability of estate of public patient for maintenance. [Repealed]

§ 21–1111. Proceedings to charge relatives legally responsible for maintenance of public patient; collection of maintenance payments; enforcement of order; liability of decedent’s estate. [Repealed]

§ 21–1112. Public patients may become private patients by filing bond and paying advance. [Repealed]

§ 21–1113. Restrictions on discharge; petition for discharge; causes for discharge; superintendent to be notified; notice of variation of order; denial on petition not a bar to another. [Repealed]

§ 21–1114. Proceeding when child brought before Family Division appears to have at least a moderate intellectual disability

§ 21–1115. Inquiry under this chapter if person convicted of offense

§ 21–1116. Transfer to Saint Elizabeths Hospital when person becomes insane [Repealed]

§ 21–1117. Separate docket of cases brought under section 21-1103; reports of commissions [Repealed]

§ 21–1118. Transfer of substantially retarded from National Training Schools for Boys or Girls [Repealed]

§ 21–1119. Removal from school of nonresidents of the District of Columbia. [Repealed]

§ 21–1120. Paroles; conditions; expense; discretion of superintendent; violation; return [Repealed]

§ 21–1121. Citation, order, or process on patients to be served only by superintendent [Repealed]

§ 21–1122. Approval of patients’ contracts, etc., by court [Repealed]

§ 21–1123. Offenses and penalties [Repealed]