(Mar. 26, 1999, D.C. Law 12-175, § 18061; as added Apr. 8, 2011, D.C. Law 18-358, § 2, 58 DCR 765; Sept. 14, 2011, D.C. Law 19-21, § 1032(a), 58 DCR 6226.)
For temporary (90 day) repeal of section, see § 1012(a) of Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2011 (D.C. Act 19-93, June 29, 2011, 58 DCR 5599).
Section 49 of D.C. Law 19-171 renumbered D.C. Law 12-175, § 1806l as D.C. Law 12-175, § 1806m, after the section’s repeal by D.C. Law 19-21.
Structure District of Columbia Code
Title 10 - Parks, Public Buildings, Grounds, and Space
Chapter 10 - Department of Real Estate Services. [Repealed]
§ 10–1001. Establishment of the Department of Real Estate Services. [Repealed]
§ 10–1001.01. Definitions. [Repealed]
§ 10–1002. Purpose. [Repealed]
§ 10–1003. Functions. [Repealed]
§ 10–1004. Transfers. [Repealed]
§ 10–1005. Organization. [Repealed]
§ 10–1006. Sole source contracting. [Repealed]
§ 10–1007. Notice and contract summary to the Council on certain contracts [Repealed]
§ 10–1008. Criteria for Council review and approval of certain contracts. [Repealed]
§ 10–1009. Contract summary for Council review. [Repealed]
§ 10–1010. Representative program. [Repealed]
§ 10–1011. Inventory of real property assets. [Repealed]
§ 10–1012. Periodic audit of leased properties. [Repealed]
§ 10–1012.01. Master Public Facilities Plan. [Repealed]
§ 10–1013. Certain contracting rules. [Repealed]
§ 10–1014. Jurisdiction. [Repealed]
§ 10–1015. Green building priority. [Repealed]
§ 10–1016. Establishment of District of Columbia Employee Parking Program Fund. [Repealed]
§ 10–1017. Old Naval Hospital Foundation grant authority. [Repealed]
§ 10–1018. Security assessments and implementation at District facilities. [Repealed]