District of Columbia Code
Part W - Innovation Fund
§ 1–325.223. Required information before approval

(a) To be eligible to receive a subgrant from the grant-managing entity pursuant to § 1-325.222, a subgrantee shall submit the following required documentation to the grant-managing entity as well as any additional information required by the grant-managing entity:
(1) Internal Revenue Service certification that the organization is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved August 16, 1954 (68A Stat. 163; 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3));
(2)(A) The organization’s most recent financial audit, not more than 2 years old; or
(B) A recent financial statement, not more than one year old, prepared by a certified accountant that shows that the organization is in good financial standing and which delineates its:
(i) Existing assets and liabilities;
(ii) Pending lawsuits, if any; and
(iii) Pending and final judgments, if any;
(3) Internal Revenue Service Form 990 covering the organization’s most recently completed fiscal year;
(4) A notarized statement from the subgrantee certifying that:
(A) The organization is current on District and federal taxes;
(B) The grant-managing entity is authorized to verify the organization’s tax status with the Office of Tax and Revenue and the Office of Tax and Revenue is authorized to release this information to the grant-managing entity;
(C) The grant-managing entity shall have access to the financial, administrative, and operational records, including specific consent for the grant-managing entity to access its books, accounts, records, findings, and documents related to the subgrant; and
(D) The subgrantee is registered with the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs; and
(5) A comprehensive program statement that includes a detailed:
(A) Scope of work; and
(B) Budget that describes how the subgrant funds shall be spent.
(Dec. 24, 2013, D.C. Law 20-61, § 1014, 60 DCR 12472.)
For temporary (90 days) addition of this section, see § 1014 of the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2013 (D.C. Act 20-130, July 30, 2013, 60 DCR 11384, 20 DCSTAT 1827).
For temporary (90 days) addition of this section, see § 1014 of the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2013 (D.C. Act 20-204, October 17, 2013, 60 DCR 15341, 20 DCSTAT 2311).
Applicability of D.C. Law 20-61: Section 11001 of D.C. Law 20-61 provided that, except as otherwise provided, the act shall apply as of October 1, 2013.