Delaware Code
Chapter 96. RECORDERS
§ 9610. Recording of official obligations; notation of cancellation.

(a) Each recorder shall record the official obligations of constables, registers of wills, Prothonotaries, clerks of the peace, Registers in Chancery, and preserve the original in his or her office, those for each year, in a separate bundle, with the label of the year. Each recorder shall also record the official obligation of the Oyster Revenue Collector. The obligations of the Secretary of State and the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be filed, recorded, and the original thereof preserved in the Recorder's office of Kent County.
(b) The recorder shall keep a separate index book in which shall be indexed the name of each official whose obligation is recorded. Upon cancellation of any official obligation in accordance with § 9116 of this title or § 122 of Title 10, the recorder shall write the word “cancelled” and sign his or her name as recorder opposite or alongside of the name of the official whose bond has been so cancelled.