The State Auditor shall, not less than biannually, audit, inspect and examine the books, accounts, papers, records and dockets of the several state row officers and ascertain the amount due to the State in fees.
Structure Delaware Code
Subchapter I. General Provisions
§ 9001B. Assumption of authority by State.
§ 9004B. Record books and supplies.
§ 9006B. Days open; duty to attend office; deputies.
§ 9008B. Duty to account for fees.
§ 9009B. Fee records; inspection and examination.
§ 9012B. Penalties for failure to collect and pay over fees.
§ 9013B. Bonds of state row officers.
§ 9014B. Cancellations of bonds.
§ 9015B. Satisfaction of bonds.
§ 9016B. Violation of bond requirements; penalty.
§ 9018B. Posting of fee lists.