The Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer in Kent County shall have prepared for each representative district a book of receipts, numbered serially, which receipts, when delivered upon the payment of taxes, shall show the amount of assessment, distinguishing real assessment and capitation tax, and showing the rate or rates of taxes and any penalty imposed, if any there be, and the year of such tax, and each receipt shall have a corresponding stub which shall be retained in the book.
Structure Delaware Code
§ 8601. Due date for real estate and capitation taxes.
§ 8602. Notice to taxables of taxes due; effect of failure to receive notice.
§ 8605. Collection at offices of tax collecting authority; hours.
§ 8606. Notice of time and place for collection in hundreds and districts.
§ 8607. Bills and receipts; New Castle County.
§ 8608. Receipts and receipt books; Kent County.
§ 8610. Written demand for delinquent taxes in New Castle County.
§ 8611. Publication of delinquent taxes; Kent County.
§ 8612. Liability between landlord and tenant.
§ 8613. Liability of tenant for life.
§ 8614. Officials conducting sale of property to notify receiver; pay tax.
§ 8615. Penalties for fraudulent tax receipts.
§ 8616. Removal from county to escape tax; penalty.