Delaware Code
§ 8403. Organization of Council.

(a) A Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary shall be elected from among the members of the Council. The Council shall hold no less than 2 regular meetings each year and may meet at such other times as it may determine. The Chairperson shall fix the time and place of such meetings in the Chair's discretion, but upon written request of any 3 members, the Chairperson shall call a meeting pursuant to the terms of such request. Nine members shall constitute a quorum. Each member of the Council may have a proxy to represent the member at Council meetings.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law, Council membership shall not disqualify any member from holding any other public or private employment or constitute a forfeit of such office.
(c) Council members shall receive no compensation for their services but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.