(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the election of delegates must be conducted and the results thereof ascertained and certified in the same manner as in the case of the election of electors of President and Vice President in this State during elections in which subchapter I of Chapter 43A of this title does not govern.
(b) The Governor shall, without delay, examine the certificates and ascertain the delegates to such convention chosen and make known the same by proclamation and cause notice to be given to each delegate so elected of the delegate's election as a delegate. All provisions of the laws of this State relative to elections, except as far as inconsistent with this chapter, shall be applicable to such election.
Structure Delaware Code
§ 7701. Date of election of delegates; proclamation.
§ 7702. Qualification of voters.
§ 7704. Election, how conducted; results, how ascertained.
§ 7705. Number and residence of delegates.
§ 7706. Qualifications of delegates; nomination by petition.
§ 7707. Determination of nominations.
§ 7708. What nominations shall be effective.
§ 7711. Printing of ballots; to whom delivered; additional ballots.
§ 7712. Use of separate ballot; form.
§ 7713. Election of nominees; vacancies.
§ 7715. Election of officers and adoption of rules.
§ 7716. Journal of convention.
§ 7717. Certification of results.
§ 7718. Compensation of delegates, officers and employees; expenses.