(a) No person shall ship or transport any colony of bees, or used beekeeping equipment into the State that is not accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department.
(b) Before a person may ship or transport into the State any colony of bees, or used beekeeping equipment, the person shall request an entry permit by submitting to the Department an inspection certificate from an authorized inspector of the state of origin that includes the following information:
(1) A statement that the colonies or used beekeeping equipment is apparently free of all diseases, mite infestation, exotic mites and Africanized honey bees, based on an inspection within the preceding 60 days.
(2) Name, address and state of residence of owner and shipper.
(3) Number of hives that contain bees.
(4) Location of apiary sites where the bees will be kept.
(c) Any uncertified bees must be removed from the State within 48 hours.
Structure Delaware Code
§ 7502. State Apiarist and inspectors; appointment, duties and powers.
§ 7503. Inspection; quarantine; destruction of bees; appeal.
§ 7504. Registration of bees with State Apiarist.
§ 7506. Exposure of diseased, infested or infected bees or equipment; notice.
§ 7507. False information; interference with Apiarist or inspectors.
§ 7508. Precautions against spread of disease.
§ 7509. Movement of bees, equipment or appliances from infected apiary.
§ 7510. Importation of bees or used bee equipment or appliances.
§ 7511. Inspection of queen-rearing apiaries.
§ 7512. Violations and penalties.
§ 7513. Importation of queens, combless packages or nucleus colonies.