Delaware Code
Chapter 56A. Voting by mail ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6]
§ 5602A. Applicability [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

This chapter applies to the following elections:

(1) A nonpresidential primary election.
(2) A general election.
(3) A special election to fill a vacancy in a statewide office, the General Assembly, or an office covered under Chapter 73 of this title.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 15 - Elections

Chapter 56A. Voting by mail ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6]

§ 5602A. Applicability [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5603A. Voting by mail ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5604A. Process for voting by mail ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5605A. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and instructions [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5606A. Requirements for ballot envelope; numbering and coding; voter identification label; statement of eligibility [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5607A. Instructions for completing and returning a mail ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5608A. Voting procedure; execution of statement; return of ballot [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5609A. Time limit for return of ballot; late ballots [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5610A. Procedure on receipt of ballot envelope by Department [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5611A. Counting procedure for ballot envelopes [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5612A. Preparing mail ballots for tabulation [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5613A. Carrier envelope specifications; carrier envelopes as ballot boxes [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5614A. Envelopes in general; approval by Attorney General [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5615A. Challenges [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5616A. Rejected ballots [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5617A. Validity of a voter's mail ballot for wrong district [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5618A. Required records [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5619A. Duties of Department of Elections; political balance of election judges; security [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5620A. Logic and accuracy testing of mail ballot tabulating equipment; authority of the State Election Commissioner [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].

§ 5621A. System for voters to determine status of their mail ballots [For application of this chapter, see 83 Del. Laws, c. 353, § 6].