Delaware Code
§ 5520. Special write-in absentee ballot; procedures; qualifications.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, an elector who qualifies under any of the reasons set forth in § 5502(1), (2) or (7) of this title may, during the calendar year in which an election is to be held for President, United States Senator or Representative in Congress, request a special write-in absentee ballot.
(b) The request for a special write-in absentee ballot may be made on the federal post card application (FPCA) form, or on a form prescribed by the State Election Commissioner.
(c) In order to qualify for a special write-in absentee ballot, the elector must state under oath and under penalty of perjury that the elector is unable to vote by regular absentee ballot or in person due to requirements of military service or due to living in isolated or extremely remote areas of the world.
(d) Upon receipt of an application pursuant to this section, the Department may hold said application until 90 days prior to an election, but shall mail a ballot and the related materials to the elector as soon thereafter as possible. The special write-in absentee ballot shall be in a form prescribed and provided by the State Election Commissioner, and shall permit the elector to vote by writing in a party preference for each office, or the name of the person whom the voter prefers for each office.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 15 - Elections


§ 5501. Purpose of chapter; scope.

§ 5502. Persons eligible to vote by absentee ballot.

§ 5503. Request for ballot; statements for absentee ballots; delivery of absentee ballots.

§ 5504. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and instructions; envelope specifications; pre-paid postage.

§ 5505. Requirements for ballot envelope; numbering and coding; voter identification label; statement of eligibility.

§ 5506. Instructions for completing absentee ballots.

§ 5507. Voting procedure; execution of statement; return of ballot.

§ 5508. Time limit for return of ballot; late ballots.

§ 5509. Procedure on receipt of ballot envelope by Department.

§ 5510. Counting procedure for absentee ballots.

§ 5510A. Preparing absentee ballots for tabulation.

§ 5511. Carrier envelope specifications; carrier envelopes as ballot boxes.

§ 5512. Envelopes in general; approval by Attorney General.

§ 5513. Challenges.

§ 5514. Rejected ballots.

§ 5515. Validity of absentee voter's ballot for wrong district.

§ 5517. File of absentee voters.

§ 5518. Members of the armed forces and certain other electors; 1 absentee request to cover all elections; federal post card application (FPCA); electronic transmission of balloting materials.

§ 5520. Special write-in absentee ballot; procedures; qualifications.

§ 5521. Federal write-in absentee ballot; acceptance; combined request for registration and ballot submission.

§ 5522. Duties of Department of Elections; political balance of absentee judges; security.

§ 5523. Logic and accuracy testing of absentee ballot tabulating equipment; authority of the State Election Commissioner.

§ 5524. Emergency authority for the State Election Commissioner.

§ 5525. Electronic delivery of absentee ballots.

§ 5526. System for voters to determine status of their absentee ballots.

§ 5527. Authority to implement provisions of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voters Act.