Delaware Code
§ 5216. Departure or removal of property from State or discontinuing business; arbitrary assessment.

If the Department of Transportation ascertains that a person decides quickly to depart from this State, or to remove therefrom the person's property, or any property used by the person in operations subject to this chapter, or to discontinue business, or to do any other act tending to prejudice or render wholly or partially ineffectual proceedings to assess or collect such tax, whereby it becomes important that such proceedings be brought without delay, the Department of Transportation may immediately make an arbitrary assessment of the amount of tax due, whether or not any report is then due by law and may proceed under such arbitrary assessment to collect the tax, or compel security for the same, and thereafter shall cause notice of such finding to be given to such motor carrier, together with a demand for an immediate report and immediate payment of such tax.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 30 - State Taxes


§ 5201. Short title.

§ 5202. Definitions.

§ 5203. Rate of tax.

§ 5204. Credit for motor fuel tax payment.

§ 5205. Tax due date.

§ 5206. Deposits of revenue.

§ 5207. Calculation of amount of fuel used in State.

§ 5208. Report requirements; exemptions.

§ 5209. Average consumption.

§ 5210. Records.

§ 5211. Vehicle marker; fee; penalty assessments payable by mail; victims' compensation tax.

§ 5212. Imposition of tax.

§ 5213. Enforcement.

§ 5214. Filing of bond; refund provisions.

§ 5215. False statements; penalties.

§ 5216. Departure or removal of property from State or discontinuing business; arbitrary assessment.

§ 5217. Failure to report or pay tax; penalty; interest.

§ 5218. Time for payment of taxes, penalties and interest; additional penalty.

§ 5219. Manner of payment and recovery of penalties and interest; debt of motor carrier; lien; preference.

§ 5220. Failure to pay tax; determination; redetermination; review.

§ 5221. Penalties.

§ 5222. Availability of records of other agencies; exchange of information with other jurisdictions.

§ 5223. Regulations; promulgation by Secretary of Transportation.

§ 5224. Exempt vehicles; carriers.

§ 5225. Exemption; reciprocal agreements.

§ 5226. Failure to comply with other statutes.

§ 5227. Collection of bad checks; service charge; interest.

§ 5228. Moneys erroneously collected.

§ 5229. Cooperative agreements between states.