Delaware Code
Subchapter II. Particular Offenses
§ 5132. Fraudulent deposit or alteration of ballots or entering voting machine booth or casting vote; penalty.

(a) Whoever, being an election officer, at any election:

(1) Knowingly and wilfully puts or causes to be put any ballot or ballots or other paper having the semblance thereof into any box used at such election for the reception of votes; or
(2) Knowingly and wilfully causes or permits any ballot to be in the ballot box at the opening of the polls and before voting shall have commenced; or
(3) Knowingly or wilfully or fraudulently puts any ballot or other paper having the semblance thereof into any ballot box unless the same is offered by an elector and the elector's name has been found and checked upon the Election District Record; or
(4) Fraudulently before, during or after the reading and count of the ballot, in any manner changes, substitutes or alters any ballot; or
(5) Removes any ballot or semblance thereof from, or adds any ballot or semblance thereof to, the ballots found in any such ballot box upon the closing of the polls; or
(6) Knowingly and wilfully causes or permits any vote to be registered on a voting machine, unless the vote is cast by an elector whose name has been found and checked upon the books of registered voters and who has not previously voted, or knowingly or wilfully enters or permits anyone to enter a voting machine booth, unless the person is an elector whose name has been found or checked upon the books of registered voters and who has not previously voted or is an election officer or member or employee of the department of elections whose entrance into the voting machine booth is required by the provisions of this title,
shall be deemed to have knowingly and wilfully violated that election officer's own official duty.
(b) Whoever, not being an election officer, does or causes to be done any of the acts, matters or things mentioned in subsection (a) of this section, shall be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 15 - Elections


Subchapter II. Particular Offenses

§ 5111. Neglect of duty by department member; corrupt or fraudulent conduct; penalty.

§ 5112. Refusal of inspector or judge of election to serve; penalty.

§ 5113. Refusal of clerk of election to qualify or serve; penalty.

§ 5114. Improper conduct of printer of ballots and ballot envelopes; penalty.

§ 5115. Improper use of ballot or envelope; penalty.

§ 5116. Tampering with voting machines; penalties.

§ 5117. Unauthorized entering of voting room; penalties.

§ 5118. Interference with election; penalties.

§ 5119. Feigning a physical disability to obtain assistance in voting; penalty.

§ 5120. Secreting person in election room; penalty.

§ 5121. Removal or destruction of election supplies or equipment or voting machines; penalty.

§ 5122. Disclosures by election officers; penalty.

§ 5123. Intimidation, persuasion or bribery by election officer; penalty.

§ 5124. Inducing the making of distinguishing mark on ballot; penalty.

§ 5125. Inducing election officers to violate election laws; penalty.

§ 5126. Violations by officials; penalty.

§ 5127. Bribery of person expecting to be election or registration officer; penalty.

§ 5128. Fraudulent voting; penalty.

§ 5129. False entries by clerk of election.

§ 5130. Failure of election officer to perform duties.

§ 5131. False count or certification by election officer.

§ 5132. Fraudulent deposit or alteration of ballots or entering voting machine booth or casting vote; penalty.

§ 5133. Wilful neglect of duty by election officers.

§ 5134. Stealing, destroying or secreting records; penalty.

§ 5135. Perjury; subornation of perjury.

§ 5136. Tampering with ballots or deceiving voters; penalty.

§ 5137. Disobeying election officers; penalty.

§ 5138. Breach of peace or violence on election day; penalty.

§ 5139. Interference with election officer or challenger; penalty.

§ 5140. Failure of inspector to preserve order.

§ 5141. Stealing or destroying ballot box, ballot, poll list; penalty.

§ 5142. Requiring unauthorized oath; penalty.

§ 5143. Candidate for General Assembly not to make written pledge; penalty.

§ 5144. Unauthorized release of absentee vote information; penalty.