(a) Definitions. — (1) “Bone marrow” means the soft material that fills human bone cavities.
(2) “Bone marrow donor” means a person from whose body bone marrow is taken to be transferred to the body of another person.
(3) “Organ” means a human organ that is capable of being transferred from the body of a person to the body of another person.
(4) “Organ donor” means a person from whose body an organ is taken to be transferred to the body of another person.
(b) In any calendar year, a state employee is entitled to the following leave in order to serve as a bone-marrow donor or organ donor:
(1) No more than 7 days of leave to serve as a bone marrow donor;
(2) No more than 30 days of leave to serve as an organ donor.
(c) A state employee may use the leave provided by this section without loss or reduction of pay, leave to which the employee is otherwise entitled, credit for time or service, or performance or efficiency rating.
(d) This section applies to employees who are included in a collective bargaining unit, unless a collective bargaining agreement contains provisions dealing with leave for bone marrow and organ donation.
Structure Delaware Code
§ 5102. Oath to support Constitution.
§ 5103. Payment of debts as condition of employment.
§ 5105. Leave of absence for military service; pension rights; term of successor appointees.
§ 5106. Employee salary deductions.
§ 5107. Cancellation of bond on expiration of term; petition; notice; order of Court.
§ 5108. Action against officer for state moneys.
§ 5110. Election of employee to public office; leave.
§ 5111. Benefits to surviving spouse of persons elected to state or county office.
§ 5113. Leave for Olympic competition.
§ 5114. Membership in Blood Bank of Delaware.
§ 5115. Protection of public employees reporting suspected violation of law.
§ 5116. Leave of absence upon adoption of child.
§ 5118. Unauthorized use of state mail services and/or state-paid-for postage.
§ 5119. Leave for volunteer emergency duty.
§ 5120. Paid leave for birth of a child or adoption of a child.
§ 5121. Leave for serving on veteran funeral detail.