Delaware Code
Subchapter II. The Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Act
§ 4735. Powers of the Corporation.

The Corporation shall have on July 23, 2014, and upon its creation as provided for herein the powers listed in this section. The Corporation shall be empowered, without limitation and notwithstanding any other laws to:

(1) Adopt bylaws, rules, regulations, and procedures;
(2) Act generally in a planning and development capacity, and in connection therewith, to hold, own, preserve, develop, improve, construct, rent, lease, sell, or otherwise acquire or dispose of any real property, including without limitation any real property comprising the Fort DuPont Complex or any portion thereof transferred to the Corporation. The power in this paragraph (2) does not exempt development and construction on the Fort DuPont Complex from otherwise applicable environmental law and regulatory requirements. All activity on the Fort DuPont Complex must comply with otherwise applicable permitting processes of the Department.
(3) Employ an executive director, a deputy executive director, and such other deputies and assistants as may be necessary or desirable, and to retain by contract such legal counsel, engineers, advisors, and other providers of professional services.
(4) Borrow moneys or accept contributions, grants, or other financial assistance from the federal government, the State, any locality or political subdivision, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any source, public or private, for or in aid of any project of the Corporation, and to these ends, to comply with such conditions and enter into such mortgages, trust indentures, leases, or other contracts and agreements as may be necessary or desirable.
(5) Have and exercise any and all powers available to a corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 1 of Title 8, the Delaware General Corporation Law that are not inconsistent with this subchapter.
(6) Take such other lawful actions that are consistent with the purposes of this subchapter as may be necessary or desirable to oversee, manage, and implement the redevelopment and preservation of the Fort DuPont Complex in accordance with the redevelopment plan and the provisions of this subchapter.
(7) Recover costs for the use of, or the benefit derived from, the services or facilities provided, owned, operated, or financed by the Corporation benefiting property within the Fort DuPont Complex.