Delaware Code
Subchapter IV. Powers of Tax Ditch
§ 4159. Annual and other meetings of taxables; notice of meetings.

At the first meeting the taxables shall set a date for the regular annual meeting. This date may not be changed except by action of a majority of the taxables present at a regular annual meeting. The chairperson of the ditch managers may call special meetings at such times as the circumstances warrant. At least 10 days' notice of all meetings shall be given by the ditch managers using either of the following methods:

(1) By publishing in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of a tax ditch, and by posting at 5 conspicuous places in or near the area of said tax ditch, a notice stating the time, place and object of the meeting; or
(2) By mailing to each affected taxable at the address currently shown on the records of the board of assessment of the county, a notice stating the time, place and object of the meeting.