Delaware Code
Subchapter IV. Educator Support Programs
§ 3439. Financial assistance programs for school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers.

(a) Mental Health Services Scholarship. —
(1) To be eligible for the Mental Health Services Scholarship, an applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student in a master's degree program in a Delaware postsecondary institution that will lead to certification as a school counselor, school psychologist, or school social worker in a Delaware public school.
(2) Application requirements will be established by the Office.
(3) Scholarships will be awarded contingent upon funding from the General Assembly and based on the size of the applicant pool.
(4) Awards may be renewed for a total of 2 years of graduate study, provided the recipient meets the renewal requirements established by the Office.
(b) Mental Health Services Student Loan Repayment Program. —
(1) The Mental Health Services Student Loan Repayment Program allows qualified applicants to apply for a loan payment from the Office to the applicant's lending agency to pay a portion of the applicant's student loan debt. The purpose of the Program is to improve educational outcomes for students in Delaware public schools by working to retain school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers who provide professional support services that are of critical importance to students.
(2) To be eligible for the Mental Health Services Student Loan Repayment Program, all of the following must apply:

a. The applicant must be employed full-time as a school counselor, school psychologist, or school social worker in a Delaware public school for a minimum of 1 school year.
b. The applicant must have secured a qualified educational loan prior to submitting the application. For the purpose of this section, a “qualified educational loan” means a government, commercial, or foundation loan for actual costs paid for tuition and reasonable educational expenses related to the applicant's undergraduate or graduate degree program.
c. The applicant must hold an educator's license and certificate issued by the Department.
(3) In addition to the eligibility requirements in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Office is authorized to adopt regulations that refine or narrow the eligibility requirements.
(4) The application to participate in the Mental Health Services Student Loan Payment Program must require the applicant to certify that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section and as provided in the Program's regulations. The application will otherwise be in the form prescribed by the Office. Applicants must submit a new, completed application each year and any additional information the Office may require as provided in the Program's regulations.
(5) The Office's ability to make a loan payment on an applicant's behalf is contingent upon the availability of funds. If possible, the Office will make a loan payment on behalf of every applicant who satisfies the eligibility requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section and as provided in the Program's regulations, consistent with the limitations established in paragraph (b)(8) of this section. If there are insufficient funds to make a loan payment on behalf of every applicant who satisfies the eligibility requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section and as provided in the Program's regulations, the Office must give priority to applicants who have the greatest financial need as determined by the Office. In determining an applicant's financial need, the Office must request from the applicant the applicant's income and the total amount of the applicant's qualified educational loans.
(6) The Office has the sole discretion to prioritize applications and determine loan payments consistent with the requirements of paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
(7) If the Office decides to make a loan payment on behalf of an applicant, the Office must make the loan payment directly to the applicant's lending agency.
(8) A loan payment under this Program may not exceed $5,000 per year. An applicant may receive only 1 loan payment on the applicant's behalf per year. An applicant may not receive more than 3 loan payments on the applicant's behalf in the applicant's lifetime.
(9) If an applicant knowingly submits false information or commits fraud in connection with the application process, the Office may reevaluate the applicant's eligibility for a loan payment and may withdraw its decision to make a loan payment on the applicant's behalf. Any loan payment made as a result of deliberate fraud may be recovered by the Department of Justice through an action at law.