Delaware Code
Subchapter XIV. The Delaware Student Excellence Equals Degree Act Administered by Delaware Technical and Community College and University of Delaware
§ 3406A. Maintaining eligibility.

(a) To maintain continued State payment of tuition once enrolled at Delaware Technical and Community College or the University of Delaware, Associate in Arts program, the student shall meet all of the following:

(1) Make steady academic progress toward an associate degree or completion of a recognized academic credential.
(2) Maintain continuous enrollment for not less than 2 semesters in each successive academic year for students in an associate's degree program, unless granted an exception for cause by the institution. Notwithstanding the foregoing, students who are enrolled in an associate's degree program may take a leave of absence for 1 academic year without affecting their eligibility for continued funding. Students who take a leave of absence under this subsection will remain subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c) of this section.
(3) For students enrolled in an associate's degree program, have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 calculated on a 4.0 scale at the end of the first academic year and thereafter maintain such a cumulative grade point average. The institution may grant exceptions upon appeal.
(4) The student shall certify that he or she has not been convicted of any violent felony. The parent or guardian of a student 17 years of age or under shall also certify that the student has not been convicted of any violent felony.
(b) Grants made by the SEED program shall not be allowed for courses or other post-secondary units repeated or taken in excess of the requirements for completion of an associate degree or other recognized academic credential with the exception of those courses required by the institution for program admission and courses taken pursuant to the Associates in Arts program.
(c) Students are eligible to participate in this program for a period not to exceed 10 continuous semesters, not including the summer semester.
(d) Subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c) of this section, a student who completes an associate degree pursuant to this section, maintains the applicable criteria set forth above, and thereafter pursues a bachelor's degree at either the University of Delaware and/or Delaware Technical and Community College shall be eligible for SEED grant moneys toward their junior year and/or pursuing an equivalent number of credits equal to what is otherwise their junior year of higher education.
(e) Subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c) of this section, a student who successfully completes a credit or noncredit program leading to the award of a recognized academic credential at Delaware Technical and Community College, maintains the applicable criteria set forth above, and thereafter pursues additional recognized academic credentials and/or an associate's degree at either the University of Delaware, Associate in Arts Program and/or Delaware Technical and Community College shall be eligible for SEED grant moneys toward the completion of their training or degree.