Delaware Code
Subchapter II. License and Registration; Limited License; Establishment Permit
§ 3116. Reinstatement of a suspended license; removal from probationary status.

(a) As a condition to reinstatement of a suspended license, or removal from probationary status, the Board may reinstate such license if, after a hearing, the Board is satisfied that the licensee has taken the prescribed corrective actions and otherwise satisfied all of the conditions of the suspension or probation.
(b) Where a license or registration has been suspended due to the licensee's inability to practice pursuant to this chapter, the Board may reinstate such license, if, after a hearing, the Board is satisfied that the licensee is again able to perform the essential functions of a funeral director, with or without reasonable accommodations, and there is no longer a significant risk of substantial harm to the health and safety of the individual or others.
(c) Applicants for reinstatement must pay the appropriate fees and submit documentation required by the Board as evidence that all the conditions of a suspension or probation have been met. Proof that the applicant has met the continuing education requirements of this chapter may also be required, as appropriate.
(d) [Repealed.]