Delaware Code
§ 2808. Council election and appointment procedure.

(a) The schedule for the election of the 12 elected members shall be as follows:

(1) Three members representing the constituencies of:

(2) Three members representing the constituencies of:

(3) Three members representing the constituencies of:

(4) Three members representing the constituencies of:

(b) The schedule for the appointment of the 3 appointed members shall be as follows:

(1) One member from New Castle County shall be appointed in 1994 and every 4 years thereafter.
(2) One member from Kent County shall be appointed in 1993 and every 4 years thereafter.
(3) One member from Sussex County shall be appointed in 1991 and every 4 years thereafter.
(c) All appointments to the Council shall be made by the Governor in accordance with the above schedule and with the requirements of § 2807 of this title. Each term of office of the appointed Council members shall expire on the date specified in the appointment, however, the Council member shall remain eligible to participate in Council proceedings unless and until replaced by the Governor.
(d) The 12 Council members shall be elected by members of the Association through the procedure determined by Council, including, without limitation, electronic voting. The members in contest for each elected Council position receiving a plurality of votes from those voting within the prescribed time for that Council position shall be declared elected to that Council position.