Delaware Code
Subchapter II. Jurisdiction and Powers
§ 205. Reports by public utilities.

(a) The Commission may require every public utility to file with the Commission such annual and other periodic or special reports, at such times, in such form and of such content, and covering such period or periods of time, as the Commission may by rules and regulations or by order prescribe.
(b) (1) The Commission may require any public utility to file with it a copy of any report filed by such public utility with any state or federal department or regulatory body, including, but not limited to, copies of its Delaware and federal income tax returns.
(2) A public utility that is a subsidiary of a corporation that files consolidated state or federal income tax returns shall file with the Commission, when so requested by the Commission, pro forma Delaware and federal income tax returns based solely upon said public utility's operations in Delaware.
(c) All reports shall be made under oath or affirmation unless the Commission otherwise specifies.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 26 - Public Utilities


Subchapter II. Jurisdiction and Powers

§ 201. General jurisdiction and powers.

§ 202. Limitations on jurisdiction of Commission.

§ 203.

§ 203A. Certificate of public convenience and necessity; abandonment or discontinuance of business, operations or service.

§ 203B. Service territories for electric utilities.

§ 203C. Certificates of public convenience and necessity for water utilities.

§ 203D. Certificates of public convenience and necessity for wastewater utilities.

§ 203E. Certificate of public convenience and necessity for new electric transmission utilities.

§ 204. Extension of utilities' facilities.

§ 205. Reports by public utilities.

§ 206. Investigations.

§ 207. Access to, inspection and examination of utility's property, records, etc.

§ 208. Books, records, accounts, systems of accounts, etc. of utility.

§ 209. Standards, classifications, regulations, practices, measurements, services, property and equipment of public utility.

§ 210. Standards for measurement of supply of product; examinations and tests of product.

§ 211. Meters and measuring appliances.

§ 212. Compliance with laws, ordinances and charter.

§ 213. Notice and report of accidents; disclosure; admissibility as evidence.

§ 214. Joint investigations, hearings and orders; cooperation with agencies of other states or of the United States.

§ 215. Merger, mortgage or transfer of property; issuance of securities; assumption of obligation of another; transfer of control; exceptions.

§ 216. Free passes, franks, products or services.

§ 217. Compliance with Commission's orders; penalty.

§ 218. Violations and penalties.

§ 220. Telecommunications service for persons who have deafness, hearing loss or speech disabilities for wireline communications service and devices.

§ 221. Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Committee.

§ 222. Exemption from criminal and civil liability.

§ 223. Electric cooperative's election to be exempt from regulation.

§ 224. Regulations governing exempt electric cooperatives.

§ 225. Lead paint on outdoor structures.