Delaware Code
Subchapter II. License
§ 2012. Duty to report unprofessional conduct; inability to practice.

(a) A licensee has a duty to report to the Division information that the licensee reasonably believes indicates that the licensee or another licensee has engaged in or is engaging in conduct that constitute grounds for disciplinary action under this chapter. A licensee shall report to the Board within 30 days of the occurrence of any of the following:

(1) A partial or full removal of the licensee's or another licensee's hospital privileges based on adverse events, unprofessional conduct, or competency issues.
(2) A disciplinary action taken by any regulatory agency against the licensee or another licensee.
(3) A reasonably-substantiated incident involving violence, threat of violence, abuse, or neglect by the licensee or another licensee toward another person.
(b) (1) A licensee is subject to temporary or permanent license restriction, suspension, or revocation if the licensee is unable to practice the occupation with reasonable skill or safety to patients due to any of the following circumstances:

a. Mental illness or mental incompetence.
b. Physical illness, including deterioration due to aging or loss of motor skills.
c. Excessive use or abuse of drugs or alcohol.
(2) A license may be permanently restricted, suspended, or revoked after a hearing under § 2006(a)(11) of this title.
(3) A license may be temporarily restricted, suspended, or revoked after a hearing under § 2006(a)(11) of this title or, if circumstances present an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare, without a hearing and under the process established in § 2017(c) of this title.