The Office shall do all of the following:
(1) Ensure that state resources for higher education are targeted to state priorities serving Delawareans.
(2) Ensure that higher education is accessible and affordable for all Delaware students who qualify for admission by providing financial assistance and guidance services.
(3) Strengthen the role and impact of higher education in elementary and secondary education reform, achievement of student performance expectations, and teacher professional development.
(4), (5) [Repealed.]
(6) Enhance the capacity for quality data collection and reporting to meet federal mandates, regional and interstate contractual agreements, and national data sharing requirements.
(7) In cooperation with the Department of Education, identify and implement methods to ensure a seamless transition for Delaware residents from elementary and secondary education to postsecondary education.
(8) Ensure that higher education services reflect changing needs and capabilities by exploring regional and national trends, and recommending implementation as appropriate.
(9) Promote student academic preparation for higher education and help educate Delawareans on saving for college.
(10) Expand education opportunities available through interstate agreements, such as the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO), and publicize and promote their use.
(11) [Repealed.]
(12) Monitor and assist in resolution of consumer complaints related to student financial assistance, academic credit, and credit transfer; coordinate efforts as appropriate with the Department of Justice and private consumer protection agencies.
(13), (14) [Repealed.]
(15) Administer specific programs relating to higher education and others as may be established or assigned by the General Assembly and the Department of Education.
(16) [Repealed.]