Delaware Code
§ 1716A. Related services unit and funding.

(a) “Related services unit” is defined for funding purposes as 1 funding unit for each 57 units of the K-3, 4-12 (regular education) and basic units. For the pre-K-12 intensive the ratio shall be 1 funding unit for each 5.5 units. For the pre-K-12 complex the ratio shall be 1 funding unit for each 3.0 units. Four related services units shall be assigned to support the state-wide deaf-blind program.
(b) Each pupil counted in establishing a unit for children with disabilities may be counted only once in a district. For pupils who attend schools in more than 1 district during each school day, the pupil is to be counted in each school district for the portion of the day that the pupil is in attendance there.
(c) For purposes of this section, “children with disabilities” shall include pupils meeting the definition set forth in Chapter 31 of this title, as further defined according to rules and regulations of the Department with approval of the State Board of Education.
(d) “Related services” shall be special services provided for children with disabilities and shall be defined in rules and regulations of the Department with approval of the State Board of Education. Rules and regulations may include, but are not limited to, such services as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early identification and assessment of disabilities, special counseling services, developmental, corrective or supportive services that may assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. Medical services provided shall be for diagnostic or evaluation purposes only. Special transportation services provided from this funding shall be only those services unique to a particular disability and shall be services provided during the school program and shall not include transportation to and from school.
(e) Funds appropriated in support of this unit may be used for expenditures under Division I or Division II for the purchase of assistive materials or services from persons or agencies to be used in support of students with disabilities herein authorized and for no other purpose.
(f) The dollar value of this unit, when applied to the employment of a full-time certified person such as, but not limited to, a teacher, a therapist or a specialist, shall be as provided in this title, but, when applied as herein authorized for other related services, shall be the number of dollars set in the state-supported salary schedule for a teacher holding a master's degree with 10 years of experience and employed for 10 months. The calculation of this funding shall be for the current school year. Expenditures on behalf of this unit when used for the purchase of services shall be up to but not in excess of the amount herein authorized.
(g) Funding authorized by this section shall be used to supplement regular school programs for children with disabilities, and may provide for the assignment of 1060 hours of school attendance and the full work days of employment as described in § 1305 of this title to be assigned during any of the months of a 12-month fiscal year beginning July 1.
(h) Any school district wishing to use funds under any of the options set forth in this section shall make application to the Department of Education for that use; provided, that the State Board may review any objection to the Department's decision. The application shall indicate that these funds are being used to supplement programs in the school district and that their use will not supplant personnel, services, supplies or materials provided from local funding sources.

Structure Delaware Code

Delaware Code

Title 14 - Education


§ 1701. Amount to be appropriated by General Assembly.

§ 1702. Divisions of school appropriations.

§ 1703. Unit of pupils [Effective until July 1, 2023].

§ 1703. Unit of pupils [Effective July 1, 2023].

§ 1703A. Extended Learning Opportunities Subcommittee.

§ 1704. Number of units in a school district; method of calculation; actual unit count; optional unit count.

§ 1705. Determination of amount of appropriation.

§ 1705A. Maximum student-instructor ratio requirements.

§ 1705B. Required reporting regarding maximum student-instructor ratio.

§ 1706. Determination of amount of Division II appropriation.

§ 1707. Division III equalization funding.

§ 1708. Form of appropriation.

§ 1709. Use of appropriation for purpose other than that designated.

§ 1710. Certification of number of units by Secretary of Education.

§ 1711. Salaries in excess of state supported uniform salary schedules.

§ 1712. Transfer of appropriation of closed and consolidated district.

§ 1713. State School Fund income and General Fund.

§ 1714. Acquisition of school sites, Advanced Planning and Real Property Acquisition Fund; purchase; sale; repayment.

§ 1715. Unit of pupils for kindergartens.

§ 1716. Unit for academic excellence.

§ 1716A. Related services unit and funding.

§ 1716B-1716D. Gifted or talented unit and funding; disruptive pupil referral unit and funding; Education Refinement Program unit and funding.

§ 1716E. Mental health services unit and funding.

§ 1716F. Mental health services unit and funding for middle school.

§ 1716G. Substitute teachers.

§ 1717. Employment of personnel.

§ 1718. Matching federal funds.

§ 1719. Adjustment of appropriations.

§ 1720. Adult education.

§ 1721. Autistic unit and funding.

§ 1722. Accounting for textbooks, subject matter materials and other school property entrusted to individual students.

§ 1723. Comprehensive school discipline improvement programs.

§ 1725. Tracking of school district use of unit funds.

§ 1726. Opportunity Fund [Effective until July 1, 2024].

§ 1726. Opportunity Fund [Effective July 1, 2024].