Delaware Code
Subchapter I. Foreign Bank Branches, Foreign Bank Limited Purpose Branches and Foreign Bank Agencies
§ 1416. Examinations, cooperative agreements, fees.

(a) The Commissioner may make such examination of any foreign bank branch, foreign bank limited purpose branch or foreign bank agency in this State as the Commissioner may deem necessary to determine compliance with the laws of this State and operation in a safe and sound manner. This title shall apply to such examinations.
(b) The Commissioner, as a home state regulatory authority, may enter into cooperative agreements with the appropriate host state regulatory authorities for the periodic examination of and otherwise to facilitate a single point of contact with respect to any foreign bank branch, foreign bank limited purpose branch or foreign bank agency in this State and any such other entities operating in other United States jurisdictions. Additionally, the Commissioner, as a host state regulatory authority, may enter into cooperative agreements with the appropriate home state regulatory authorities for the periodic examination of and otherwise to facilitate a single point of contact with respect to any foreign bank branch, foreign bank limited purpose branch or foreign bank agency operating in this State, and may accept reports of examination and other records from a home state regulatory authority of such entities in lieu of conducting the Commissioner's own examination of such entities operating in this State. The Commissioner, as a home state or host state regulatory authority, may enter into joint actions, including with respect to asset maintenance, pledge of assets, separation of assets and liquidation, with other regulatory authorities with respect to foreign bank branches, foreign bank limited purpose branches or foreign bank agencies in this State, or may take such actions independently with notice to the appropriate home state or host state regulatory authorities to carry out the Commissioner's responsibilities to assure the safety and soundness of any such entity in this State and to assure compliance with applicable banking laws of this State. For purposes of this subsection, the term “home state” in reference to a foreign bank has the meaning set forth in § 5(c) of the International Banking Act of 1978, as amended, at 12 U.S.C. § 3103(c), and the term “host state” means a State other than the home state.
(c) A foreign bank holding a certificate of authority pursuant to this subchapter may be assessed and, if assessed, shall pay supervisory and examination fees in accordance with the laws of this State and regulations of the Commissioner.