Delaware Code
Subchapter I. Department of Land Use
§ 1315. Board of License Inspection and Review.

County Council, by ordinance, may provide for the establishment of a Board of License Inspection and Review. The Board of License Inspection and Review shall have 5 members to be appointed by the County Executive, 4 members for terms of 4 years provided that the terms of the original members shall be established in a manner that 1 shall expire each year, and 1 member to be chairperson and to serve at the pleasure of the County Executive. The ordinance shall provide that the Board may be authorized to provide an appeal procedure whereby any person aggrieved by the issuance, transfer, renewal, refusal, suspension, revocation or cancellation of any County license, or by any notice, order or other action as a result of any County inspection affecting him or her directly shall, upon request, be furnished with a written statement of the reasons for the action taken and afforded a hearing thereon by the Board. The ordinance shall further provide that upon such hearing the Board shall hear any evidence which the aggrieved party or the County may desire to offer, shall make findings and render a decision in writing within 90 days of the filing of the appeal, and that the Board may affirm, modify, reverse, vacate or revoke the action from which the appeal was taken to it.