Delaware Code
§ 115. Formation of Roman Catholic Church corporations.

In every congregation of the Roman Catholic Church, the ordinary of the diocese, the pastor of the congregation for the time being, according to the practice and discipline of the Church, 1 other person annually designated by the ordinary, and 2 other persons annually elected by the members of the congregation from among their number (the annual election and appointment to be made when designated by the ordinary in each and every year, with the incumbents to hold office until their respective successors shall be so elected or appointed, as the case may be), shall be constituted a body politic and corporate, under such title as may be assumed by the corporation, and recorded in a certificate under the hands and seals of the corporators first chosen or otherwise entitled to office under the terms of this chapter. The certificate shall be acknowledged before any person entitled to take acknowledgments of instruments to be used in this State and recorded among the corporation records of the county wherein the congregation has or possesses a place of worship.