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Section 14-300. - Crosswalks. Pedestrian-control signals. Regulation of pedestrians and motor vehicles at crosswalks. Pedestrians who are blind or have guide dogs. - (a) The traffic authority shall have power to designate, by...
Section 14-300a. - Pedestrian street markings near housing projects for elderly persons. - The Office of the State Traffic Administration and each municipal...
Section 14-300b. - Pedestrian use of crosswalks and roadways. - (a) Each pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other...
Section 14-300c. - Pedestrian use of roads and sidewalks. Required to yield to emergency vehicle. - (a) No pedestrian shall walk along and upon a roadway...
Section 14-300d. - Operator of a vehicle required to exercise due care to avoid pedestrian. - Notwithstanding any provisions of the general statutes or any regulations...
Section 14-300e. - Application of pedestrian rights to solicitation of rides in a motor vehicle and walking on limited access highways. - Nothing contained in sections 14-299, 14-300 or 14-300b to 14-300d,...
Section 14-300f. - Vehicles to stop for school crossing guard. Penalties. Issuance of warning or summons upon report of school crossing guard. - (a) The operator of a motor vehicle shall immediately bring...
Section 14-300g. - Operation of golf carts. Equipment. Insurance. - (a) The traffic authority of any city, town or borough...
Section 14-300h. - Special event permit for fire department to use state highway to collect charitable donations. - Notwithstanding any provision of section 14-298 or any regulation adopted...
Section 14-300i. - Vehicle operator to exercise reasonable care when near vulnerable user on a public way. - (a) As used in subsection (b) of this section, (1)...
Section 14-300j. - Opening or leaving open a motor vehicle door so as to cause physical contact with moving traffic. - (a) For the purposes of this section, “moving traffic” includes,...
Section 14-301. - Through ways. Stop signs. - (a) The Office of the State Traffic Administration may designate...
Section 14-302. - “Yield” signs. - The Office of the State Traffic Administration, on any state...
Section 14-303. - Designation of one-way streets. - Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the traffic authority...
Section 14-304. - Safety zones. - (a) The traffic authority shall have power to establish safety...
Section 14-305. - Bus stops and public service motor vehicle stands. - (a) The traffic authority shall have power to establish bus...
Section 14-306. - Taxi stands in front of hotels. - The traffic authority of any city or town is authorized...
Section 14-307. - Parking restrictions. Regulations. - (a) The traffic authority of any city, town or borough...
Section 14-307a. - Pedestrian safety zones. Regulations. - (a) The traffic authority of any town, city or borough...
Section 14-308. - Loading and unloading. - (a) The traffic authority shall have power to determine the...
Section 14-309. - Approval of traffic safety measures and traffic control devices, signs or markings. Approval of related municipal regulation or ordinance. - No traffic safety measure or traffic control device, sign or...
Section 14-310. - Fraudulent or obstructive signs and signals. - (a) No person, firm or corporation shall place, maintain or...
Section 14-311. - Open air theaters, shopping centers and certain other developments affecting state highway traffic. - (a) No person, firm, corporation, state agency, or municipal agency...
Section 14-311a. - New certificate for increase in parking spaces. - Section 14-311a is repealed, effective July 1, 2012. (1971, P.A....
Section 14-311b. - Traffic controls for certain parking areas and commercial establishments. - The Office of the State Traffic Administration, in cooperation and...
Section 14-311c. - Developed parcels of land separately owned and utilized together for a single development purpose which affects state highway traffic. - (a) No group of persons, firms, corporations, state agencies or...
Section 14-311d. - Economic development project applications submitted to Commissioner of Transportation or Office of the State Traffic Administration. - Notwithstanding any provision of title 13b or this title, in...
Section 14-312. - Regulations. - The traffic authority shall have power to make regulations necessary...
Section 14-313. - Appeal. - Any person aggrieved by any order or regulation made by...
Section 14-314. - Penalties. - Any person, firm or corporation failing to comply with any...
Section 14-314a. - Periodic review of traffic control signals and signs. - Section 14-314a is repealed. (1961, P.A. 339; 1969, P.A. 768,...
Section 14-314b. - Injury to or removal of traffic control devices, signs or lights. - Any person who, without lawful authority, attempts to or in...
Section 14-314c. - Erection of signs to warn operators of presence of persons who are deaf. Regulations. - (a) The Office of the State Traffic Administration, on any...
Section 14-314d. - Erection of signs stating the requirement of the use of signal lights when changing lanes. - The Office of the State Traffic Administration, on any state...
Section 14-315. - Duties of Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection re street and highway safety and accident prevention. - The Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection shall study...
Section 14-316 and 14-317. - Commissioners to serve without compensation; offices. Assistants. - Sections 14-316 and 14-317 are repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 2533,...
Chapter 250 - Gasoline and Motor Oil Sales
Section 14-318. - Definitions. - Terms used in this chapter shall be construed as follows,...
Section 14-319. - License required for sale of gasoline. Prohibited grounds for refusal to grant or renew license. - (a) No person shall sell or offer for sale any...
Section 14-320. - Approval of gasoline station location by commissioner. - No station or place of business for the wholesale or...
Section 14-321. - Approval of gasoline station location by local authorities. - Any person who desires to obtain a license for the...
Section 14-322. - Hearing and finding of suitability. - Section 14-322 is repealed, effective October 1, 2003. (1949 Rev.,...
Section 14-323. - Commissioner to decide if requested by local authorities. - Section 14-323 is repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 2540; 1959, P.A....
Section 14-324. - Appeal. - Any person aggrieved by the performance of any act provided...
Section 14-325. - Curb pumps. - No license shall be issued to sell gasoline or other...
Section 14-325a. - Air compressors. - Any person licensed under section 14-319 to dispense motor fuel...
Section 14-325b. - Refueling privileges for operators who have a disability. Signs. Exceptions. - (a) Each retail dealer as defined in section 14-318 that...
Section 14-326. - Gasoline sold for aircraft or other engines to be of United States standard. - No person shall sell, offer for sale, deliver or have...
Section 14-327. - Testing of quality of gasoline or diesel fuel. - All tests to determine the quality of gasoline or diesel...
Section 14-327a. - Motor fuel quality testing: Definitions. - As used in sections 14-327a to 14-327e, inclusive: (1) “Commissioner”...
Section 14-327b. - Annual registration of distributors. Application for certificate of registration. Required information. Fee. - (a) No distributor shall sell or offer to sell motor...
Section 14-327c. - Regulations. - The commissioner shall adopt regulations in accordance with the provisions...
Section 14-327d. - Commissioner to have free access to places and premises. Subpoena powers. Court orders. Regulations. - (a) The commissioner or his authorized agent shall have free...
Section 14-327e. - Hearing. Refusal to issue certificate of registration. Revocation or suspension of certificate of registration. Violations. Civil penalty. - (a) The commissioner, after a hearing in accordance with chapter...
Section 14-328. - Display of price signs. - Section 14-328 is repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 2545; 1951, S....
Section 14-329. - Standard gallon. Delivery through meter. Delivery and electronic delivery tickets. Disclosure of purchaser's cost associated with retail fuel oil or propane gas. Exemptions. Penalties. - (a)(1) The standard gallon shall be the unit of measurement...
Section 14-330. - Dealer to disclose his source of supply. - Each person who sells, offers for sale or has in...
Section 14-331. - Penalty. Revocation or suspension of license. Bond. Appeal. Rights of franchisor. - Any person, except a distributor, who violates any provision of...
Section 14-332. - Regulations. - (a) The commissioner may adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter...
Section 14-332a. - Surcharges. Tie-in-sales. Price reduction requirements. - (a) As used in subsection (b) of this section: (1)...
Section 14-333 to 14-341. - Distributor's license. Records and sales slips. Gasoline tax. Suspension or revocation of distributor's license. Receipts to be added to Highway Fund. - Sections 14-333 to 14-341, inclusive, are repealed. (1949 Rev., S....
Section 14-342. - Sale of motor oil regulated. - (a) No person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer...
Section 14-343 and 14-344. - Penalty; collection of tax. Aviation gasoline; exemption; license to sell. - Sections 14-343 and 14-344 are repealed. (1949 Rev., S. 1419d,...
Chapter 250a - Operation of Retail Service Stations
Section 14-344a. - Retail service stations; opening and operation by producers or refiners prohibited after July 1, 1979. - After July 1, 1979, no producer or refiner of petroleum...
Section 14-344b. - Retail service stations; operation by producers or refiners prohibited after July 1, 1980. - After July 1, 1980, no producer or refiner of petroleum...
Section 14-344c. - Regulation of temporary operation by producers or refiners by Consumer Protection Commissioner. - The Commissioner of Consumer Protection shall adopt regulations, in accordance...
Section 14-344d. - State allocation and distribution of fuel not affected. Provisions inapplicable to certain service stations. - (a) The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed...
Chapter 251 - Special Fuel Use Tax (Repealed)
Section 14-345 to 14-356. - Special fuel use tax. - Sections 14-345 to 14-356, inclusive, are repealed. (1949 Rev., S....
Chapter 252 - Highway Use Tax (Repealed)
Section 14-357 to 14-364. - Highway use tax. - Sections 14-357 to 14-364, inclusive, are repealed. (1957, P.A. 671,...
Chapter 253 - Bus Taxation Proration and Reciprocity Agreement
Section 14-365. - Agreement. - The Bus Taxation Proration Agreement is hereby enacted into law...
Section 14-366. - Commissioner of Motor Vehicles as administrator. - As used in the agreement, with reference to this state,...
Section 14-367. - Exemptions from coverage and changes in reporting methods. - The commissioner may, by regulation, make such exemptions from the...
Section 14-368. - Governor to give notice of withdrawal. - Unless otherwise provided in any statute withdrawing this state from...
Chapter 254 - Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact (Repealed)
Section 14-369 to 14-378. - Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact. - Sections 14-369 to 14-378, inclusive, are repealed. (February, 1965, P.A....
Chapter 255 - Snowmobiles, All-Terrain Vehicles, Dirt Bikes and Mini-Motorcycles
Section 14-379. - Definitions. - As used in sections 14-379 to 14-390, inclusive, subdivisions (3)...
Section 14-380. - Operation prohibited without valid registration. Exceptions. - On or after October 1, 1971, no person shall operate...
Section 14-381. - Requirements for registration. Application. Registration plates. - Any owner required to register a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle...
Section 14-382. - Change of address. Transfer of ownership. - (a) Within forty-eight hours after changing his address, the owner...
Section 14-383 and 14-384. - Registration of snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle dealers. Temporary registration plates. - Sections 14-383 and 14-384 are repealed, effective July 1, 2005....
Section 14-385. - Renting or leasing of snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles. Records required. - Any person who is in the business, in whole or...
Section 14-386. - Enforcement. Failure to stop snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle upon request. - (a) Any law enforcement officer of the Department of Energy...
Section 14-386a. - Prohibited manner of operation. Penalty. Liability for property damage. - No person shall operate a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle in...
Section 14-387. - Rules of operation. Violations. - No person shall operate a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle in...
Section 14-388. - Penalties. Liability. - Except as otherwise provided, any person who violates any of...
Section 14-389. - Administration by Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. Reciprocal agreements. - In the performance of his duties under sections 14-379 to...
Section 14-390. - Municipal regulation of operation and use of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. Penalties. Seizure and forfeiture. - (a) Any municipality may, by ordinance, regulate the operation and...
Section 14-390f. - All-terrain vehicles: Effect of U.S. District Court consent decree. - (a) As used in this section: (1) “All-terrain vehicle” means...
Section 14-390g - to 14-390l - . Reserved for future use.
Section 14-390m. - Municipal regulation of operation and use of dirt bikes and mini-motorcycles on public property. Penalties. Seizure and forfeiture. - (a) Any municipality that adopts an ordinance pursuant to section...
Chapter 256 - Petroleum Products Control Commission (Repealed)
Section 14-391 to 14-399. - Petroleum Products Control Commission. - Sections 14-391 to 14-399, inclusive, are repealed. (P.A. 73-678, S....