As used in this chapter the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning or intent:
(1) “Authority” means the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority.
(2) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Housing.
(3) “Department” means the Department of Housing.
(4) “Eligible applicant” means: (A) A nonprofit entity; (B) a municipality; (C) a housing authority; (D) a business corporation incorporated pursuant to chapter 601 or any predecessor statutes thereto or authorized to do business pursuant to said chapter 601 having as one of its purposes the construction, financing, acquisition, rehabilitation or operation of affordable housing, and having a certificate or articles of incorporation approved by the commissioner; (E) any partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, sole proprietorship, trust or association having as one of its purposes the construction, financing, acquisition, rehabilitation or operation of affordable housing; (F) the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority; (G) a municipal developer; (H) any community development financial institution; or (I) any combination thereof.
(5) “Housing”, “housing development” or “development” means a work or undertaking having as its primary purpose the provision of safe, well-designed and adequate housing and related facilities for low and moderate income families and persons and includes existing housing for low and moderate income families and persons and housing whose primary purpose is to provide dwelling accommodations for low and moderate income families and persons but has dwelling accommodations for others.
(6) “Housing Trust Fund” or “fund” means the Housing Trust Fund created under section 8-336o.
(7) “Housing Trust Fund program” or “program” means the Housing Trust Fund program developed and administered under section 8-336p.
(8) “Low and moderate income families and persons” means families and persons whose income falls within the income levels set by the commissioner pursuant to regulations adopted under subsection (a) of section 8-336q, except that the commissioner may establish income levels up to and including one hundred twenty per cent of the area median income, as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(9) “Municipal developer” means a municipality acting by and through its legislative body, except that in any town in which a town meeting or representative town meeting is the legislative body, “municipal developer” means the board of selectmen if such board is authorized to act as the municipal developer by the town meeting or representative town meeting.
(10) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
(11) “State Bond Commission” means the commission established under section 3-20.
(12) “Treasurer” means the State Treasurer and includes each successor in office or authority.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5, S. 16; P.A. 11-168, S. 7; P.A. 13-234, S. 2.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-5 effective July 1, 2005; P.A. 11-168 replaced “section” with “chapter” re applicability of terms, effective July 13, 2011; pursuant to P.A. 13-234, references to Commissioner of Economic and Community Development and Department of Economic and Community Development were changed editorially by the Revisors to references to Commissioner of Housing and Department of Housing, respectively, effective June 19, 2013.
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing and Economic and Community Development
Chapter 137e - Housing Trust Fund Program
Section 8-336m. - Definitions.
Section 8-336n. - Bond issue for Housing Trust Fund program.
Section 8-336o. - Housing Trust Fund.
Section 8-336q. - Regulations. Housing Trust Fund Program Advisory Committee. Terms and conditions.