Such commission is authorized, unless otherwise provided by ordinance adopted by the municipality, to prepare and file surveys, maps or plans of proposed highways, streets, sidewalks or the relocation, grade, widening or improvement of existing highways, streets or sidewalks, or of any building or veranda lines proposed as herein provided, in the office of the town clerk of such municipality, provided such map or plan after completion shall have been approved at a meeting of the commission called for the purpose. Such map or plan shall have inscribed thereon the following: “Recommended by planning commission” and shall bear the date of such recommendation and be signed by the chairman or secretary. Such commission shall, upon the filing of such survey, map or plan, give notice to each record owner and to each mortgagee of record of land included in such survey, map or plan, by mail and by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality, of such filing and of the place within such municipality where, and the time, not less than ten days after such mailing and publication, when, such commission shall hear any person claiming to be affected thereby. Such commission, after such hearing, may approve and adopt such map or plan, and may make assessments of benefits accruing to and damages sustained by any person owning land included in such survey, map or plan, and shall give notice of such benefits and damages to mortgagees of record of such land. Any assessments of benefits so made shall, from the time of the completion of such work, constitute a lien against the property affected, which lien shall take precedence of all other encumbrances except taxes and other municipal liens or encumbrances of earlier date. Such liens may be continued by filing with the town clerk for record in the land records of such municipality, within ninety days after such assessment has been made and notice thereof given to the person or persons affected thereby, a certificate of such lien signed by the secretary of such commission, which lien may be enforced in the same manner as is provided for the enforcement of tax liens. Upon the adoption of any such survey, map or plan which takes an easement for public use over any parcel of land, a notice of the taking of each such easement and a description of the easement shall be recorded in the land records of the town in which such land is located, in the names of the owners of record, before such easement becomes effective. Such commission may change any survey, map or plan so made and filed by it, at such time and in such manner as it deems necessary, and shall thereupon file a survey, map or plan of such change, inscribed as hereinbefore provided, with the town clerk of such municipality. Notice by mail of such change shall be given by such commission to each record owner and to all persons having a recorded mortgage interest in land affected thereby and by advertisement as in the first instance and the subsequent proceedings shall be as provided in the case of an original filing.
(1951, 1953, S. 390d; 1959, P.A. 667.)
History: 1959 act provided for notice to mortgagees of record and added provision for recording of notice of taking of an easement and of description of easement.
See chapter 205 re municipal tax liens.
See Sec. 7-31 re filing requirements for maps of surveys or plots.
Cited. 153 C. 194. Section held not to authorize town to adopt a subdivision regulation imposing a charge against a real estate developer as a condition for granting permission to proceed with an approved subdivision plan when such charge was purportedly to cover reasonable costs incurred by the town for engineering services to inspect work done on public improvements in the subdivision. Id., 236. Where defendant planning commission undertook to widen highways, assessment of damages on strict square-foot basis erroneous as proper measure of damages is difference between market value of whole tract before taking and value of what remained thereafter. 154 C. 695. Cited. 159 C. 1. Affected persons entitled to appeal under section are those to be given notice under section; plaintiffs waived their right to object to failure of personal notice when they appealed without objection at the hearing. 168 C. 285. Cited. 179 C. 650; 184 C. 1.
Cited. 26 CS 169.
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing and Economic and Community Development
Chapter 126 - Municipal Planning Commissions
Section 8-19. - Creation of planning commissions. Exemption re certain affordable housing.
Section 8-19a. - Alternate members of planning commission.
Section 8-20. - Designation of planning commission as planning and zoning commission.
Section 8-22. - Contracts and expenditures. Action by majority vote.
Section 8-23. - Preparation, amendment or adoption of plan of conservation and development.
Section 8-24. - Municipal improvements.
Section 8-25. - Subdivision of land.
Section 8-25a. - Proposals for developments using water. Prerequisite.
Section 8-25b. - Fund. Payments in lieu of open spaces.
Section 8-26c. - Subdivision to be completed within five years of plan approval. Exceptions.
Section 8-26d. - Hearings and decisions.
Section 8-26f. - Notice to adjoining municipalities.
Section 8-27. - Building on unaccepted streets.
Section 8-28. - Notice of decision of planning commission. Appeal.
Section 8-28a. - Change in zoning regulations or districts not to affect approved subdivision plan.
Section 8-29. - Filing of maps and plans. Notice and hearing. Assessments.
Section 8-30. - Appeals. Action by court.
Section 8-30a. - Appeals provisions to apply in all municipalities.